Clan icon i’ve been working on

a friend and i have been working on the underlying concept for a pirate crew clan for
AO and have finally decided on a logo lol

any suggestions for additions and stuff are welcome!

edit: it’s supposed to have a transparent background so i’ll be fixing at some point


can we get much higher

man im dead :skull:

ooooooooooo oh oh oooooooooooh oh oh

Looks like good! , honestly

This is not a problem but I find it strange how the cover of some clans are realistic and well painted and others are simpler ( no problem with that , it’s just more flashy the ones that stand out, you know? , I’ll try to give you an idea of what I thought of doing a fan art

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yaya that makes sense i was sorta emulating like simple pirate flag designs w/ it to some extent + im used to working w/ simpler forms but you gotta point it could prob use something to kick it up a notch

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Get the ideia?

Its just a exemple of a google skull with some details i aded , because i doenst wanted to spend time drawing something .

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mhm yea more of a painty look

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same energy

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Did you make that?

Oh, I just fully read it.
If you actually drew that entire thing I would have actually bought it if it were on sale.

But i can draw it. , not digital. i don’t have the digital table

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