Clan wage/salary

Clan wage/salary
effort 1.666666666666667 15 quality 1.533333333333333 15 reasonability 1.666666666666667 15

Clan Wages/Salary

Similar to clan tax, this would be a % or number of money taken from the clans treasury and added into the member’s galleons every time frame

You could change the amount for each role and time until their next wage.

Why add this?

We cant withdraw money because clans arent a bank, but this would fix it assuming theres a time to money ratio to stop milking clans.

Thank you!

did you rate your own suggestion

Yes, i did this in 2 mins

Great idea, until someone starts over inflating the galleon value by the Cassia Bay farm, and giving themselves 100% wages!

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what cassia bay farm…

also i said time : money ratio, aka 100% = 700 days or something

no, clans shouldn’t really affect PvE/trading too much

The entire point of changing Clan Banks (Withdraws/Deposits) to Clan Treasuries (Deposits only) is because of the Wheat Field and Sugarcane Row structures giving passive galleons to the treasury; if those galleons could be withdrawn, they would be more worthless than they already are. It’s heavily exploitable, plain and simple.

Bro why can these people get suggestor but not me :sob:

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We are playing a game, not MAKING A FUCKING ECONOMY
In all seriousness we can’t be on for 9 to 5
Please don’t suggest this

Idk bro I have some amazing ideas cooked up but I don’t have suggester

im sorry but bro burnt :sob:

we gain nothing from clans except fun

Its not exploitable if its done right, if the system is wack then yeah even I wouldnt want it, but if its done right then its fine

Making like a 100 galleons every 2 days isnt bad?

They stopped looking at suggestor applications, or taking it seriously. I was extremly late to suggestor and got it because they felt nice that day

complete sentence

just following the herd, seriously tho what were you thinking


I read this wrong, I thought you meant like a building allowance for clan members to use treasury to build

Idea is a bit :skull:

I like money but this isn’t the way chief.