Clan wage/salary

Clan wage/salary
effort 1.666666666666667 15 quality 1.533333333333333 15 reasonability 1.666666666666667 15

I said time : money ratio, take that into your own perspective. Vetex can do what he wants, in fact most of the stuff we want is changed or implemented differently

cant wait for this to devolve into a petty arguement

The suggestion post itself didn’t have much effort put into it and you said it took 2 minutes to make
And responsibility dear lord as said by Zormego the reason why banks were turned into treasuries was because wheat fields and sugarcane rows can passively make money with no effort put into them
And tell me what will the max be? Because if the max is too low it’s basically useless and if it’s too high it will break the economy
There is a reason why clan banks no longer exist (besides in the gravy and assassin)

you called?

you came?

I always come

we are getting put on quotables with this one :speaking_head: :fire:

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allow me to do the honor once i find that thread :pray:


I said time : money ratio, i dont decide what happens in game omg

You say “time : money ratio,” which is fair, but some islands, such as Shale Reef, have more Treasury Galleons to be made from farming in quicker and more consistent time intervals than some other methods of earning Galleons. Yes, you could hoard Thunder Crystals and other items to sell off later, but your current item supply will run out. You could haul cargo between the Bronze and Nimbus Sea, but stacking those boxes and selling them off is extremely slow. Farming starts itself as quickly as you can claim an island, and can either compete with or outclass many methods of gaining Galleons.

The point overall is that Farming, if its galleons could be withdrawn, would negate all or nearly all other methods of obtaining galleons, as it isn’t reliant on a supply of items, isn’t risky at all, and is at an assured rate.

Also, if you want to argue for your suggestion, you need to come up with a compelling reason for people to agree with you, instead of hoping that three words and a colon will do the trick.

Tell that to my skill issue

yeah guys let me afk for 24 hours and drain my whole clan bank :blush:

how did you even get suggestor dawg :sob:



The farm that gives me like 5.1k every 8-ish minutes?

Theres always ways to go around it, like the afking

Can you specify the ways to get around that in detail, by chance?

I suggested something to vetex. He can take it however he wants

You have a good point and I agree with you but its not hard to make some kind system to limit farming galleons and inflating economy.

I am not good at money stuff and suggested this out of pure randomness so I cant really fix it.

Not rn, ill think about it and try