Change climbing to be closer to World of Magic where you press (or hold) space on a wall and it launches you up a distance. This would obviously be increased based on Vetex’s choice of how much it should be scaled up for AO compared to WoM.
Details/background on your proposal
Currently, climbing is incredibly strange, as it is slow and cumbersome compared to other movement methods. As tbd said:
All other methods of movement are more effective. T-jumps go higher. Dashes go faster. Climbing is incredibly slow for no apparent reason.
Reason to add/change
I don’t have much to say that tbd hasn’t already said.
-Speeds up climbing speed
-Helps with scaling huge dark sea islands
-Improves how climbing fits into the game
-Climbing speed could become overpowered (could be nerfed to 5%)
i think itd be better to just make it faster and limit the ability to t jump off of it, maybe you can only do it once per climb and it refreshes once you hit ground
i like the botw style climbing in ao, but its way too slow and its way too efficient just to find a spot where you can wall jump and use your health bar as a second stamina bar
When I was new to AO, I really struggled trying to climb out of the water, because it’s kind of buggy and also hard to tell if it actually grabbed it or not. This is worse in the dark sea, I think because those extra water layers cause you to stop climbing.
It would be nice to have this change because then you don’t have to awkwardly use spacebar to keep yourself above the water while also trying to grab the wall with spacebar without sinking
Edit: also another thing, make it so that if you are simply holding on to the wall but not moving, stamina doesn’t drain. It’s the same way it works in BOTW, and would encourage taking your time instead of frantically rushing to the top
hear me out: just leave climbing exactly as it is and massively buff the speed while reducing stamina cost.
downgrading it to only be able to move like in WoM is kinda dumb and I don’t know why you’re suggesting that over literally any other solution (this change solves nothing and just makes climbing even worse).
Holding/tapping control seems so un-intuitative.
Better to make it another button like pressing alt initiates the sprint rather than ctrl which is already used for walk/run (not sprinting).
Forgot alt is shift lock…
Shift + double tapping a key launches you into a direction before initiating a full power sprint or something. Maybe some cool effects since in combat it’d be for moving around instead of just spam dodging.
As a previous WoM player, that climbing was garbage, as far as i can remember. Honestly, just boost climbing speed; and make T-jumps while climbing do this instead of launching you. And reduce the stamina cost for it.
On the subject of climbing we need to be capable of T-Jumping out of water; so many times have i drowned(or sunk to the seafloor) because my character apparently thinks they can climb on water. Happens regularly in the dark sea.