Please forget this topic existed. It was a trade without knowing anything, and thanks to some replies I knew this was not going anywhere.
Welcome to the forums, and uh…
I’m not sure you get this correctly man.
Also let me move the category real quick.
T E R R I B L E deal
crowns are worthless rn
Sorry bud… 5000 crowns won’t even get you a boss drop… Let alone a headless head…
No. Offer sunkens. Crowns are worthless.
Why do i feel like youre an alt here to troll?
I seriously doubt that
I want to fucking cuss you out so bad
its more then rare, you literally offered one of the most common things for the rarest item in the game :lol: DO YOU HAVE ANY DIGNITY
I’m sorry for this mess of a post, what would be worth it then? Could also take the opportunity to learn values better.
And why, despite being purely cosmetic, having no stats at all, is it worth that much? Can’t find a purely cosmetic item picking up THAT much value at all, I’m pretty surprised.
a sunken sword or more? a lot of people expect overpay. good enchant sunken armor can also get you there
- it’s rare because you had to put in work to get it and is like a one time thing
- this community kinda dumb
That’s alright. The reason it is priced so high is due to it being an event item that is unobtainable today. So as the day’s go on its value rises even with it being a vanity item. Don’t know if that makes any sense, but you’ll see why soon.
General rule of thumb is that If you’re looking for a Headless Head, you should be willing to give a Swift/Clean (Unenchanted) Sunken Sword with no other additional items, or 4-5+ sunken pieces depending on the piece and trader.
For more in-depth values, check out the values list from MrNormalBox, and try checking around the forums to see what other trades may trade for the item you’re looking for.
bututbutub funny headless!!!11!!
Ah, thanks for the information. Just forget this topic existed. If it’s unobtainable then it’s completely understandable.
Who do I ask to close this topic? I don’t know who to get for that, I can’t close it.
@liu close it my beloved mod Xd
the topic will automatically close within 2 days.
but if you want u can edit the topic if you are able to provide a couple of sunken items
requested by OP