[CLOSED] Hi, i am opening a new Sunken shop!

we know its you we know its you we know its you dont lie dont lie dont lie stoopid stoop id stoopid
dont lie dont lie

How much?

You are calico cat. stop lying. you’re no wood user. |

You use magma.

You. Are. Calico.

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Hello there! I am looking for some sunken items. DM me DaProdigyPlayz#4475 in Discord.

How much for the clean level 60?

I want the clean sunken sword if you still have, dm me at my discord @H4zel#9321

@darkz Small question, why are you using an alt to trade your stuff?

I think you’ll have to ask @yDeveloperKVC about that…

Closed since OP couldn’t give a valid reason for creating an alt.
Might get reopened later this day.

everyone the shop is now resumed!
thanks to @Meta to un blocking this post
also i have updated the shop!

would you take a strong oathkeeper + exiled helm and chestplate + minotaur helmet and pants for a clean sunken sword?

Dm me reqiume#3662 Im interested in that strong oath

am I banned from trading with u lol

@pizzapartyfred i do not have a strong sunken sword…
@supernuggetman i don’t think that would be a good trade. Can you please add?
@Drama yes you are, yes you are

bruh moment

what about for the hard sunken sword?

hmmm i dont think that is enough sorry.

everyone I have updated the shop 1 last time before I go to school. msg me your offers here and I will see them when I come back
also @Drama you are banned so stop stealing my trades and if I catch you I will excluded you from a special thing I will be doing hopefully when I am verified!