[CLOSED] Hi, i am opening a new Sunken shop!

but why the necro-post tho

Could I have a hard sunken for a headless head and like 5 other random Halloween items?

dude this is a dead topic | not to mention confirmed calico alt

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what hard sunken?


I am interested in the clean swords! DM me on discord at RomR#7609 or reply here.


The shopkeeper is no longer available sorry

The shopkeeper is no longer active he havent respond to me for weeks. Go to my shop though please its Harrys Hypermarket

damn @HarryCrest you got no shame stealing a mans customer?

he didnt reply to my offer in discord for weeks now. instead of making people wait a very long time its better to bring him to active shops

instead of going to his shop… why not visit my shop

why not mine?

what do you want for the keen sunken legs

shopkeeper is gone lol

what the fuck

I would like a clean sunken sword I can offer a level 70 Sturdy WOJ.

any exiled drops for a vistria? (Mino axe)

bruh do people not read what was previously said? harry has said that this shopkeeper isnt active like 2 times now so why are people still offering lmao

Hi, lvl 60 vestira avaible? If it is, 1500 crowns for it,thanks.