(CLOSED) Looking for a Strong Sunken Sword

I will trade a clean oath, a clean exiled set, a clean exiled chestplate and a clean sunken sword. All of this for a strong sunken sword (any level).

I will not be trading off my sunken sword or boss drops unless it is for a strong sunken sword.

DM me: Misinput#6867

Bro thats not enough anymore. And if i were you focus on getting sunken armour especially hard cause those alone can get you at least 2 sunken sword value.

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can i offer for your clean sunken sword

that ain’t enough for a strong sunken sword | though I’d like to trade for your stuff in a seperate trade

DM Balls#1118 if you wanna trade

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agree :nod:

IM OFFERING SUNKENS FOR YOUR CLEAN SUNKEN SWORD DM DaProdigyPlayz#4475 in Discord for furthur negotiations.

Well you seem to know a lot about this, what else do I need to get so I can get a strong sunken?

probably offer sunkens yourself, most notably either worse version of the sunken sword | sunken armors (preferably good enchants; power/hard/bursting)

since you’re offering a clean sword already, 1 or 2 good enchant sunken armor(s) will probably seal the deal

at least a clean sunken sword and sunken armors with preferably good enchants.

imagine trying to rip off

Try ask people who do have it like @Req and @Diarmadhi and ask their price.

Req isn’t really willing to trade his sunken swords away tho, he’s keeping it to himself for retirement lmao

then go ask ansizar /kw_i hes willing to trade it

he prob wont trade unless this guy overprices

haven’t seen that guy on for a long time, I think he’s onto retirement / grinding GPO with DoubleRun

yeah other then that go shop at https://forum.worldofmagic.dev/t/welcome-to-harrys-hypermarket-sunkens-and-more/46795/24 lol

advertising moment

marketing moment :moyai:

also clean tester sunken sword is better than tester fish lmao