Clown Trades

A thread where you can post the worst trade offers you’ve ever received
Before posting though, I suggest you blur out the names of the people who sent the laughable trade to not shame anyone
I’ll start with these:

goofy trades:


^more of these in the comments

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I feel like this one is not all that bad
thought atlantean greatsword would be worth less

yeah i understand where this is coming from, but it’s kind of mid
like just yesterday i had a guy offer his wife and children for that same atlantean greatsword

its OBVIOUSLY a good trade! they offered you 3x the value of what you have!


(I don’t think I have any atm but)
Honestly value system should be removed entirely. It serves literally zero purpose. Acrimony is worth 5,000 galleons? Sunken sets 1,000-something? Hell, rare scrolls have the same value as exptic ones!
Not only are the prices extremely realistic, but this is also where “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure” comes in. A berserker can wipe their ass with arcanium sets the same way a mage can wipe their ass with fighting style sets. But that doesn’t mean those sets are worthless, they are just at the wrong hands.

how else are we suppose to sell our acrimonys?
and sunken staves?
and rising tides?
and warship-enchanted blasted arcanium bracelets?

why can’t we disable trade requests? I literally have to wear my headless at all times to stop the shit trades

head into dark sea

whats the best thing in your inventory
whatever it is i’ll offer you a rusty can and 2 galleons for it

now you’ll have something to post

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rat plus a few quazillion doubloons
seems like a fair trade

You can’t do that, the game won’t send the trade if it deems it “unfair” (even if you’re offering the full sunken warrior set in exchange for an acrimony, because their total value does not add up to 5,000 (I think) which is obviously a scam)

oh yeah ur right i forgot about that, in that case i’ll hack vetex’s account, and temporarily remove that limitation, then i will send the trade

With all of these trades where they offer the galleon worth and assume that it will be good enough, I might have had one of the most unusual ones.
bountiful harvest
(I accepted as well since this guy clearly needed 11 pumpkins and I really didn’t)

peak trading

Peak thread :fire:

Chat were any of these trade requests from me (user: DeronChepem)?

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