Colassal greatsword

I’m buying colossal greatswords please be reasonable with price

like under 5k


You are overpaying by a lot. Just go kill some centurions

They usually went for like 15k back when i still checked…

the issue is i dont know where centurions are:( and as of now im grinding for lions halbard so i want to hot 2 birds with 1 stone

??? centurions wield ravenna greatsword, not colossal greatsword
colossal is dropped from evander

wheres he

I ground my way to lvl 140 with cargo and didn’t stop to get decent at the game

He spawns randomly on islands or on his boat
He has a poster saying his location in fame bounty list
The sword has a 1/16 chance of dropping

random spawn
oh, and unlike regular npc’s he WILL keep aggro and WILL follow you through half the island to hunt you down

…on all your files?
lemme guess, youre one of those guys that think ao is a glorified bandit beater?
(i mean technically all fighting games are nowadays but thats not the point)

well i figured out 10 crates gives me one level about a year ago and i went on a cargo spree but now im decent at everything but pvp and no its not a bandit beater I enjoy dark sea exploration and farming bosses

oh same lol

Oh you meant that one

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