Collared Cape! (With Physics!)

Hey all! Collared cape is done in the color that ( i think) Elius used. I’ll make it with all of the AO colors another time, but here you go for now. Hope you like it, let me know what cape you’d like to see next! See you then, have a good day!


Is it just me or are you improving the cape physics every time you make a new one?
It seems to consistently look better but I’m not sure if its better cape physics or better cape design.

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improving the rigs mostly, i’ve settled on the rig i used for the calvus cape now though
also improved the way i make the cape meshes so that it settles better with my physics settings
might tweak settings sometime but im happy with them right now
so in a way yeah i am improving them, glad you noticed :grin:


the :goat:


Another post from Ins today… we eatin good, just like AWE

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too good

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When I’m in a “lamest broad drop” competition and my opponents are Elius’ shroud and collared cape

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so true the cape and shroud are just dissapointing :sob:


Now this is the kind of cape I want in AO.
A simple cape with a luxurious look to its fabric, and waving about in the wind.

This is literally the perfect cosmetic choice.

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i’m glad you like the simplicity to it!
i was gonna try and add some fancy detailing on it, but nothing really settled, so i just went with this
i’ll do some recolors of it soon too for all the current color options, see you then :grin:


Simplicity is always nice, if you ask me.
Fancy designs are cool and all, but I feel like cosmetics and character designs should feel more… Real. If you wanna make a character, try to make them distinct by certain attributes that rarely change - eye color, hair color, hair style, species attributes, certain visible conditions/scars and all of that…
Any specific outfit pieces should have a story to them you can learn or understand easily.

…Uh, rant over.
Recolors though?

Keep it simple, it rocks!

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in that case, i’ll make sure to make some more simple capes alongside the fancy ones as i did with this one, i also agree that cosmetics and designs should tell a story, whether it be through simplicity and worn designs or fancy details, coloring or scars, i’ll make sure to implement that in more of my models, as i did when i added the thought behind some things like the scimitars of storm and lion’s halberd models. i like how you think :grin:


still hate this feature more and more every day


Agreed. Especially considering that it scales per hour since you restored your likes.
You get like 3-5 if you immediately start liking stuff after the restoration.

Anyways, hey, I’m glad we agree on the methodology of character & clothing design stuffs… Whatever you call it for outfits and clothes!

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when will vetex hire this man

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Why… is there a wall of faces…

That is so smoothe though.