Come up with a creative way to defeat the person above you based on their profile picture

Wind for the freeze synergy.

you fool

Lighting for extra damage


So i :eye: decided :v:t2: to believe :rainbow: this delusional :roll_eyes: hype :trumpet: train :muscle:t2: and invested :moneybag::dollar: like :sparkling_heart: 200k :scream::rage: into dogecoin. Guess :frowning_face_with_open_mouth: what! I :eye: fucking :fu: lost :white_flag: 57k. This isn’t funny :smiley::joy: man :man: I :eye: used :diamonds: my 4 :sweat_drops: years :date::spiral_calendar: of tuition :ok_hand::eggplant: to invest :moneybag: for this literal :100: garbage :wastebasket: dump :wastebasket: of a coin :money_mouth_face:. You :point_right: delusional :roll_eyes: fucking :eggplant: apes :gorilla: made :point_right: me lose :broken_heart: 57k and are still :roll_eyes: saying :speaking_head: “HOLD :couple: HOLD :couple:” like :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: a bunch :baby_bottle: of fucking :fu::boy: subhuman :baby: monkeys :monkey::mortar_board: with 1 :christmas_tree: fucking :fu: braincell. I :eye: want :heart_eyes: all :100: my money :money_mouth_face: back :back: and I :eye: demand :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: for reddit :alien: to pay :moneybag: it. Fucking :sweat_drops::eggplant: hell :smiling_imp: u :sweat_drops: all :100: are redacted :question::point_up: for convincing :point_up: me. Anyone 🙋 who is considering 🙅 investing :moneybag: in dogecoin DONT :no_entry_sign:. THis dog :dog::cry: coin :dollar: is literally :wave:t2: worth :money_with_wings: less :heavy_minus_sign: than the shit :fire::poop: i :eye: take :facepunch: in the morning :sun_with_face::sunglasses:.


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you wittwe bitch? I’ww have you know I gwaduated top of my cwass in the Navy Seaws, and I’ve been invowved in numewous secwet waids on Aw-Quaeda, and I have ovew 300 confiwmed kiwws. I am twained in gowiwwa wawfawe and I’m the top snipew in the entiwe US awmed fowces. You awe nothing to me but just anothew tawget. I wiww wipe you the fuck out with pwecision the wikes of which has nevew been seen befowe on this Eawth, mawk my fucking wowds. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me ovew the Intewnet? Think again, fuckew. As we speak I am contacting my secwet netwowk of spies acwoss the USA and youw IP is being twaced wight now so you bettew pwepawe fow the stowm, maggot. The stowm that wipes out the pathetic wittwe thing you caww youw wife. You’we fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhewe, anytime, and I can kiww you in ovew seven hundwed ways, and that’s just with my bawe hands. Not onwy am I extensivewy twained in unawmed combat, but I have access to the entiwe awsenaw of the United States Mawine Cowps and I wiww use it to its fuww extent to wipe youw misewabwe ass off the face of the continent, you wittwe shit. If onwy you couwd have known what unhowy wetwibution youw wittwe “cwevew” comment was about to bwing down upon you, maybe you wouwd have hewd youw fucking tongue. But you couwdn’t, you didn’t, and now you’we paying the pwice, you goddamn idiot. I wiww shit fuwy aww ovew you and you wiww dwown in it. You’we fucking dead, kiddo.

i shall defeat you by saying ‘‘Lol Helltaker More Like GayTaker’’

HE/HIM :space_invader::eyes::chart_with_upwards_trend: TAURUS​:taurus:, Columbian :star2:nyc​:night_with_stars: single​:unlock::smirk: Class of 2026​:mortar_board::mortar_board::mortar_board::mortar_board: she helped danny pass out the birthday hats​:roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::black_heart::black_heart::black_heart::black_heart::broken_heart::broken_heart::broken_heart::broken_heart: Saturdays :fire: are for the :sunglasses: boys :hot_face::cold_face::100: no cap :no_entry_sign::billed_cap: RIP X, RIP :sneezing_face: JUICE WRLD RIP KOBE :sneezing_face: #forkobe BLACK LIVES MATTER #blm :fist:t4::fist:t5::fist:t6: “shes in my head like a melody​:broken_heart::broken_heart::black_heart:” is typing…

bacon? more like gaycon :niceman:

that is my username not profile picture
i shall defeat you again by calling helltaker ‘‘grooming 2 year old demons simulator’’

k ឵ ឵

since u used a copypasta
HERE IM THE FUCK. do u not care about me? infamy is just a game thing and abraaham tf just kills me and uses me like the hell a dildo. do u not care about others u ignorant sneeze? cant u tf be nice to anyone i think you have corona or something because you have to go ask ur fat ass mom to go to a therapist to fuck someone and go away. you probably have problems your own like ur mind is not good. im telling u bro go to a doctor and then murder yourself and go the bloody hell away bitch. if this is what u want to do, hurt other people? then ya better go to hell they like it there. so for god sake dont be so rude to anyone and just go play adopt me. AND NO IM NOT OVER IT YOU HURT ME I HAVE PROBLEMS IRL LIFE AND THIS IS HOW UR DOING? LIKE A DEBILE U TYFUS NERD! GO DO THIS SHIT SOMEWHERE ELSE CAUSE I DONT LIKE THIS AND UR BEING FUCKING RUDE TO SOMEONE WHO IS ALREADY HURT IN THE HEART



Take the cap off the person who’s wearing it than stomping on it.

take sunglasses and mask off and then watch them get quarantined hehhe

i… kill birds, especially ones with pirate hats


Christ himself in predatory bird form

I cannot hurt dog :pensive:

i will gladly hurt you
loads shotgun