Coming back to Adventure Story (?)

so i went back to adventure story recently and
Screenshot 2024-03-02 141625

the dev is planning to make all 8 chapters of the game before releasing it, instead of releasing them over time as they’re complete

it’s a paper mario like in the purest sense, instead of being just inspired like AS was

even if the game is abandoned post release it’ll at least be a finished product instead of what AS is now

after thinking about this i honestly think that when block tales comes out Roblox is gonna be flooded with more turn based RPGs once people see how successful they can be

even if 99% of them will be cash grabs designed after simulators, there will still be that 1% that will be good, similar to Adventure Story

heck we might even see Vetex uncopylock AS as mentioned above

(by the way is it possible to move this thread to off topic since it’s not relevant to AO)

Arcane Lineage was not the best start to the modern era of turn based combat in roblox :pensive:

I’d say block tales is inspired more by Mario And Luigi

the general feel just seems to be MAL and not PM


the dev has said PM is the main inspiration in the youtube comments, that’s where I got that info from

ok but like if you guys wanna see an adventure story remake, here’s the discord server

Hopefully they are atleast normal and mature people, like the Team Perplexity Server.
Otherwise i am only gonna join to see progress on the game and lurk.

looking at this it seems like it’s going for a different feel compared to the original game, the music feels too intense and misses the point of the cartoony style that the original was going for

i do like the movement systems though, if the movement could be incorporated into fights somehow like getting first strikes for diving into things that’d be great

Discord server?

None, they said they’ll make one when the game is released to get public feedback

release is aimed for October at the latest, if release doesn’t happen a public demo will

I was just thinking that when listening to their ost on the discord server…
When I heard their take on the hidden woods theme, it felt like they completely missed the point of the original

it looks like the remake is hitting the right marks when it comes to the gameplay, but the music and the visuals are starting to go off the mark

this is more of a nitpick than anything but i’m sorry this pixelated font is so bad please just use the earthbound one :smiling_face_with_tear:

this game is looking good though will def try it out when it releases

the ui got an overhaul recently apparently, the dev is active in the youtube comments

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