(Coming Soon) Arcane Odyssey Boss Wiki

Okay, i’ll look forward to it then.

very epic and very epic

@anon50359812 I think all npcs will have a death line eventually, so it wouldn’t be needed to specify it.
Though maybe all the quotes can be compiled eventually.

Added secondary facts to Minotaur section.

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it should also be added to the exiled

What should?

the secondary facts section

We don’t know any yet, but I’ll add the structure for it.

yea im just saying that because theres no pic for the exiled but he has a pic section


hey bro can you like put the secondary facts section on exiled
cuz im not that good on that stuff

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added it

its 16 bleed, attacks dont have set damage over time, its always automatically based on how much damage it dealt

Bleed is 25% of damage dealt over 5 seconds.
Also, in the gif it clearly shows that limb loss was caused.

I am now facepalming, I looked at the gif again and it showed a 10 damage counter in addition to the 16 somewhere.
So the bleed is 16 from the attack and 10 from limb loss.
I’ll change it to show that.

I just want to see the Minotaur barrel off a ship and dash towards you ready to kick some-

you might want a look at this


that is some good shit right there, named weapons

Named weapons? :poggers2:

  • Changed the name of the current two bosses’ weapons to reflect their recently added names
  • Added a ‘Weapon Type’ section to boss weapons due to it no longer showing in the name