Comment and I will relate an AO character to you

YES. Ty, ur one of the first people to say that.

It do kinda go with the fit i have LMAO

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OOOOOOH. That looks coooool.

What items are in that set?

Hol up lemme send a screen shot, i have the extra accessories gamepass, most of the stuff i have is dyed black

Welp, there goes my chance to look like a W.

Ooff was worth it, for the drip

Yea, that was the coolest outfit I’ve ever seen.

Ngl I was expecting you to say Shura due to acid and future ability of weapon imbuement

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Another pic, from the boyz

Heres the full fit, you can take away the armbands, just have them to make my character pop, empty slot is for arcsphere

My roblox slow as hell dawg.

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I think I could do that, but without the bracelet.

Only thing I can identify is samurai leggings :skull:

Good luck, I had to look a damn while for traveling dyers


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I find these randomly when ship hunting.

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When, you actually need them, they are nowhere to be found


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Let’s see…
Iron Leg/Thermo Berserker
Triasta, Elius’ Scimitars, Iron Greathammer
On this file, I play aggressively and half-assedly juggle between power and defense, I have more defense gear tho

For some reason, whenever I see warlord I am tempted to classify them as Argos. :person_shrugging:

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Kinda funny cause even as berserker I carry weapons for “good measure”

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