Community-based combat guide info gathering

dont mind the comically long name
basically, i previously made am topic in which i made an pool asking you guys if i should make an combat guide fueled purely by our knowledge about the game, therefore, speak. i will try my best to filter the incoming knowledge and sort it into an single post, which will hopefully help people improve in combat (not just PvP, but also PvE)
now i just gotta do the same but with the editing guide, ig

Avoid taking damage, go for the easy hits, roach out if you’re losing.

block parry dodge

There is a definitive combat guide that I imagined at some point, but I never decided to post it on the forums. I’ll come back at a better time to share what I know.

fast-hitting attacks such as Beam or Multi Shot are a great way to catch your opponent’s off guard.

(i swear why does this sound like a loading screen tip)


don’t forget about the g key

Okay guess I’ll continue the trend of loading screen tips

Magic is best used at long range.

Fighting Styles are best used at short range.

Running away is fine. No, really! It’s called Kiting and is effective against non-boss enemies.

You can’t use Strength Weapons with only weapon skill points.

If you can, expend all your ammo at once. Multi pistols only reload when both of them are empty.

When your enemy is charging an attack, use attacks with medium-high endlag, those are the most effective while still giving you time to dodge the incoming attack.

(Love how none of this applies to gun/bow aimbot NPC’s)

Everyone one has their own style; Find yours. (easier said that done)

The best way to avoid fightings styles (for me) is air camping

punish endlag parry piercing shot

For PvE, stay at a long range and use whatever attacks can poke that far and you have a guaranteed victory

just snare

most of ao pvp is genetics so none of this really matters too much


gotta make this a bit more active, hopefully im gonna actually make what i promised to make. (unless my laziness gets the better if me, or i forget about this or the forum in general)

make sure your drip is good or you wont fight as well

Actually, outfits with lots of accessories or large jackets are really bad for combat as they add extra visual clutter to your screen and make you an easier target to track
I normally take mine off for pvp

If you aint a barion you have NO hope in pvp. and dont even SPEAK to me if your a salore…

if youre going full tryhard, make sure your avatar has limb loss protection. most armor doesnt give that

at the very least go equip titanium armor as vanity

if you use waist lantern, unequip it when you pvp, the light source will make the enemy see you better