Yeah, not my normal post but none of the mod/discord leads know where to put this so this is my best choice lmao
Anyways, I propose a community-wide event to be held where players can create their own ancient magic to celebrate the announcement of them coming to the game soon.
No AI generated art or code
No shitposts/trolls
Posts must be original and have no copyright
To prevent bias over preferred art media, there will be two categories split between those that are drawn and developed in an engine such as Roblox Studio. This means two winners, one for each category.
Originality -/10 (Does this magic already exist in the AA universe? Was it directly ripped off from someone else or somewhere else?)
Effort -/10 (Did the user put effort and time into their post?)
Aesthetic -/10 (Does this fit well within the AO universe? Does it feel like it would exist in AA?)
Visuals -/5 (How visually appealing is this submission?)
Mechanics -/10 (Was this magic well thought out? If its insanely powerful does it have a reason to be? Will it entice players to use it?)
Overall 50 points are possible to get. You may notice that 50 is more than whats listed but thats because judges can assign 5 extra points to any one category as long as the rest of the judges agree that its deserved.
Overall, the winners would have their magics added to the game upon release of ancient magics. I think its pretty cool, yeah? The judges would probably be the game and discord mod leads plus vetex and his helpers.
If you have anything else you would like to add let me know
(Have a button)
have a button