Whatever, go my francium blast…
Go go gadget: Mercury Magic
so what do you think about the idea of magic variants having different effects and clash rates(it’d make magics more unique in terms of variations)
Nahh, I think having pretty colors is quite enough.
crystal magic is now balancing hell
just make them have different clashrates and be done for the day
anyways I’ll post my idea(for different stats for variations) soon
you realize that this being in suggestions means it’ll close in 5 minutes
Could’ve closed in 5 minutes yesterday.
so like are we expected to post our ideas here
woe, Co-60 be upon ye
Cs blows up brigs if it hits the water
the enemy watching as 8 different metal mages perfectly construct a hydrogen bomb and turn Ravenna into a second dark sea:
atomic magic vs atomic bomb magic
but seriously, imagine how realistic it’d be
like copper being more conductive(synergizes with lightning)
this is similar to the teachers pet asking about the homework dawg they are NOT gonna let you hit
It’s wild to me the backlash this received for no reason at all lol
Like this is literally a “suggestion contest” not an “arts contest”. If this is actually backed up by the dev/mods i’d go as far to say this should be pinned for the duration
Hold my feather… Actually don’t, i’ll need it to write
Insert pirate writing guy meme
Btw, would you rather applications be sent here or on a separate post, i really liked this idea