Completed trade

i can add things like dse, gals, some modifieds if you are looking for those, atlantean weapons, etc. (not leg scales i have 1)

People have been trading two pieces of sunken armour for a single sunken sword, you may be overpaying here…

if im overpaying please take the trade i fucking beg i cant with this shit anymore

just came back from a guy arguing ssword is 250k while i bought it for 220k flat gals and got called an idiot for overpaying (im pretty sure theres a post about that from me as well)

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I understand

absolutely ridiculous :sob:
ssword is nowhere near 250k. Hell there are only 2 items that are more valuable than 200k atm, those being headlesses (ofc) and interchange gels (the other variants have no definite value since theyre too niche)

anyways im willing to do this trade if youre still looking for a trade. Id love it if you add some (1 or 2) dse tho

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Pls, ill add 2, i just woke up but i have some time

Are you available in like an hour from now?

Im omw home rn, be there in about 20 min, then i have 4 hours before bedtime

So you should still be online in about 30 minutes right?

also can we change dse for leg scales? i got a leg fish now

Thats fine too

joining you rn

bro got the gates of hell glitch

instantly got sent to i5 :sob:

it says youre in the dark sea rn

im not, i think thats a glitch because i had that, you might have to rejoin

guh so its on my end :sob:
check if you can send me the trade, if not ill rejoin

yeah no way

alr lemme rejoin rq

erm it just worked tho???
take the archaic eyepatch

ah you rejoining already lol