Completely Disable Water Poisoning Until It Is Fixed

Completely Disable Water Poisoning Until It Is Fixed
effort 3.666666666666667 6 quality 3.75 4 reasonability 4.090909090909091 11

should’ve worded it better, I mean stock up on potions and supply in general. And i agree the t2 healing pot reagant is kind of dumbass hard to get but they are quite easy to get in the dark sea itself

bro literally described why youtube removed star ratings

there are many events in the Dark Sea. while many are nice and atmospheric that create a chaotic environment (love lightning, tornados, and tsunamis crashing all over the place and giving that sailor tale feel),

some are complete and utter random hindrances that serve to kill you in ridiculously unsatisfying ways.

while attempting to fight strong Atlanteans, you’re going to inevitably take some damage, and you have to pray to whatever god you believe in to not have lightning strike you, or to whatever water deity to not give you water poisoning

i am not saying damage events / hazards are bad:

  • got swept by a tsunami? stop playing in the water
  • touched liquid starlight? well, now you know. it won’t instantly kill you
  • lava should be obvious enough to not touch.
  • tornadoes advertise themselves very bluntly
  • Atlantean ships can be fought, like any other ship
  • if you’ve explored the islands at all, you know Atlanteans hiding in ruined structures isn’t anything new. check your corners.

on the contrary:

  • lightning? get lucky
  • water poisoning? get lucky

water poisoning is significantly more manageable than lightning, it is just ridiculously annoying

  • climbing that 9 story island and got water poisoning? drop all the way down
  • if you don’t notice it while fighting (extremely easy to miss) you’ve taken lots of damage for no reason
  • trees don’t count as shelter

while I appreciate it being a “stay on your toes” mechanic, it needs to be more fair on when it can occur. I like the idea of water poisoning having a “poison meter”, one that you can’t reduce, but it slowly fills up with exposure to the rain, and slowly falls when under proper shelter. this would:

  • let players know what is proper shelter
  • let players manage their exposure to poison
  • let players know if, in a perilous situation, if water poisoning needs to be removed and will be their bane (because this is arguably more important than winning a fight)

in the clip posted above by OP, if he had a meter, he could have definitely run off to the brig to remove it, instead of being subject to the wrath of hades

my opinion on the lightning strikes? telegraph it to the player or reduce the occurrences, taking a “you in particular will take 700 damage because fuck you” is annoying with how common it is

also, check your brig before you enter dark sea, if no prompts appear for cooking/jewels/cauldron re-dock. ongoing bug.


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