Computer upgrade πŸ”₯

went from gtx 1650 super to rx 6650 xt :100:
also upgraded from 16 gb to 32 gb ram
rather funny story, ram slots are supposed to be like [1] [2] [1] [2] but it didnt work so i didnt follow the ram slot order and simply stabbed the stick in a 1 1 2 2 order and it somehow worked

im surprised my computer still works after all that ive done to it

and i can finally record while playing at 4k… expect high quality yt vids soon :+1:

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will post image of my setup when i get to it in 24h :ppp

i have no fucking clue what you are saying :fire:

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can it run ao on 10 graphics…

Hip hip hoorayy!


i try to play ao on 4k occasionally, but my computer literally turns itself off when i get too crazy
i couldnt imagine recording 4k footage (on ao of all games)

4k 60 fps (probably)

show when?

celestial on top :100:

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HAMMERHEAD SHAK :100: :100: :100: :100: :100: :100: :100: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire:

the hell is celestial

my epic dead clan that is somehow still on the lb