Confess to a forumer


Listen to the man cryo

I canā€™t do it.

Iā€™m am heartboekn :crying_cat_face:

i eat your pants



ainā€™t no way

bro? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :camera_flash:

You could even say theyā€™re delectable, deviously good tasting, finger lickinā€™ good, or other statements used to describe a heavenly dish.

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oh yeah he gave me some too, they were alright

thatā€™s it

Iā€™m gonna put sand particles in your underwear

sand :smiling_face:

and Iā€™m gonna cool down ur magma

so it becomes earth

and then Iā€™m gonna take those rocks

and trade all of them for sandstone

i will burn your face off before you get the chance

too late

itā€™s cryonical backwards isnā€™t it

Can confirm his name is Lacinoyrc :100:


thatā€¦ sounds suprisingly nice ?

a bit hard to pronounce but still, pretty nice

I donā€™t know what any of you look like which when you think about it means I probably just imagine people as their profiles, but who knows who they could be

I have a confession. Iā€™m in 4 guilds :/

confession: I have a hard time deciphering social cues.

like for example I wouldnā€™t exactly know if someone is being a jerk or if theyā€™re trying to give a genuine compliment unless theyā€™re someone I have known for a while.

I tend to assume itā€™s always the former.

how do you accidentally see someoneā€™s phone screen