Confess to a forumer

so you know them as a friend

I’m bored, I won’t regret doing this.

i bought deepwoken yesterday :frpensive:

i like cats a little more than dogs

I keep a katana in my closet just in case someone breaks in

I say I’m a dog person, but in reality, I’m really just not a pet person. My family has never really had a pet before, so I’ve never had the experience of loving one. Maybe one day though

get a snake. they just kinda chill.

@Noober @misinput @wmdrayal @AwesomeOS

I regret nothing.
And I know this late

and what about the 1 crown

From what
if its the topic I told the mods to close for months I hope it ain’t that :sob:

Flare-Chan! the greatest anime girl ever.

when I heard that message I cringed irl

Your actions have consequences. Its what I tell my D&D party.

i honestly dont know what this is refering to-


so, Flare-Chan, what brought on this sudden change

Nothing happened on March '22

oh that lmao

misinput if she swapped out my three other tags with three other people :cat::boom:

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I beat ezia up for fun

@Flare-Chan kos