Conflicted, blizzard or electron

nuclear detonations are better

I agree but being a force of nature is also pretty cool.

Yeah but it depends what type of detonation it is

mushroom cloud or massive fireball or shockwave

Those are all literally parts of any nuclear detonation.
The mushroom cloud is in large detonations, the fireball is in all detonations, and the shockwave is in all explosives period.

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Iā€™d just like a massive shockwave.

Imagine creating a custom spell that was literally just 3 self explosions that consisted of:
Massive sphere explosion, massive pillar explosion, and even bigger shockwave.

Of course using explosion magic, this spell would be called ā€œNuclear!ā€

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and then it leaves 3000 tons of nuclear fallou-

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Thatā€™s what the electron magic scroll you grabbed earlier was for.
Make everything radioactive.

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Man thatā€™d be horrible to fight lmao, canā€™t even walk around without taking damage.

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I feel itā€™d depend on the status effect like is Blizzard just gonna be a better Ice/Snow with Freezing or Blinding or will it just straight up give the frozen status on contact

just imagine spamming zone with storm, water and blizzard. water would soak the target and blizzard would freeze them, (and then maybe storm magic would throw in a lightning bolt or two) :))

Wym by this, are you just saying in thematic terms it isnā€™t storm-related?Because it still is lightning.

Why not tho, they do be synergizing

Depends. If taking the definition of storm literally, Blizzard, but know that a sort of general weather theme and a thunderstorm specific theme are very different thematically, so you might wanna consider exactly how specific or general you want to be when considerig a storm theme.

Additionally, in case you havenā€™t considered, there could be some other decent choices for a storm theme. Slash and Blaze work, maybe even Pressure.

was thinking more like lightning or downfall like rain and wind and such

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