Im curious what build you would do if you were a conjourer not including armors and accessories. p.s counjourers get 2 base magics and 1 lost or ancient magic. i would go with water and ice as a base magic for freeze, and i think a heavy weapon or attack can break ice so maybe a club, for a lost/ancient magic id go with electron, primordial flame, or healing because electron likely can break ice, primordial is the strong i think, and healing would make me support in maybe a clan battle. (those magics i named were from when in the public trello there was a list of magics)
the systems changed im pretty sure but i would chose
Lightning ice and frostmetal
i wanna use the raiper and imbue lightning onto that to make it fast or do stun damage
yeah some magic is likely gone but the magic i listed seems like it would stay as primordial flame was like a gods fire and electrons in the new desc, healing magic also kinda makes sense to have
Ancient magic*
promethean flame was removed from the list right before the list itself was removed, so high chance it won’t be added (even more so since it was a god’s magic)
magics: ice, snow, gravity
weapons: bow, rifle, pistol
Wasnt it confirmed recently that lost and ancient magics replace one of your base magics?
cant decide on what magics to use
for mage yea, but we don’t know for sure about conjurer since it could just fill out their empty third mind
It would feel kind of cheap if a conjurer had as many magic slots as a full mage
My 3rd slot will be a shadow-earth conjurer abd hopefully get sacrifice to replace earth
Weapons will be a polearm type and probably a sword and club, havent decides which particular one yet
im pretty sure that we wont be able to get 3 magics as conjurer who can only get their 2nd mind while the mage build who has their 3rd mind also get 3?
Anyways wind snow with guns, and probably a dagger or something.
Base magics don’t matter but Explosion for first. Lost magic will be Sound, the only important one as far as magic goes. As for weapons, none. They will use instruments. Fucking bard. I plan on making this an actual file with them themed around being a Rockstar.
Originally I was going to go:
Fire, Plasma, Phoenix with a katana (Dual Katanas if they ever get added) but the new system is making me rethink.
Maybe instead I’ll go Fire, Phoenix or Fire, Sun
for conjurer, the lost magic (most likely we wont have ancients) will replace our second magic. its confirmed by beans (who said it was talked about by vetex) that our first magic will stay and wont go away (so u cant replace it either)
Explosion → storm
katana, claws, greatsword
here’s my idea for conjurer
Shadow magic
Water magic → lunar magic
Probably sword, flintlock and staff for weapons
First magic is def fire but not sure about others
Weapons would be katana or sword, greathammer and a musket, might swap it our for a flintlock or claws
First magic: Wind
Second magic: Plasma → Wave
Weapons: Shield, flintlock, dual flintlocks
wind / shadow (unsure)
water → gravity (once obtained)
shield + katana + musket
- Yes, im going ice conjurer
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