Don’t plan on having a conjurer as my main but for my conjurer file:
Magic: Plasma, Solar
Weapons: Rapier, Musket, flintlocks
base magic: plasma
starting weapons may vary, for now i want an arcanium morningstar and a magic infused greatsword. i may also magic infuse my ss
second magic: wood
lost magic replacement: phoenix, blaze, inferno. scorch, sun, whatever i can get my hands on really.
i may go conjurer on my water file as well.
base magic: water
starting weapons: GUN
second magic: wind or lightning
lost magic replacement: storm
Easy. I do believe though that hybrid builds will only get 1 base and 1 lost/ancient magic. But in the case its to bases this’ll be my build. WHich I do plan on having.
Base Magics: Ash or/and Shadow
Lost/ancient: Darkflame or Sacrifice
after reading one of these comments saying how sencond base magic gets replaced, i would likely go with some kind of ice related lost or ancient magic, but thats if there is one cause if there isnt i may be screwed cause then my water won’t work well, but i could still find a way for support build
Frostmetal and Blizzard
I will probably use in my conjurer slot
Earth has first magic
Lighting but change it to storm
Polearm (imbued with earth)
Katana (with lighting/storm)
A flintlock
I know that looks random but i planned it based on weapns i think that will be cool to use has a conjurer
Polearm with earth because of the earth beam spell that with minimal size maybe will look like the polearm did increase in size
Katana with lighting/storm because it just look cool ans storm look like a magic that will be fun to use
If ancient be possible to get with a conjurer build, balance should be my choice and i should use scythe
Thank you
it is
Thank you for letting me know
It might be*
It says that all magic builds will be able to get an ancient magic, but it’s entirely possible that they may actually not be able to. It’s completely dependent on when vetex wants losts and ancients to be obtained. Personally I’d make the estimate for lost magics to be at around level 400 and ancients for level 500-600 meaning some magic builds may not be able to get ancients based on allocation.
This is entirely speculation but you can’t confirm 100% that magic hybrids will be able to
true, just checked the numbers and for a 6:4 conjurer they’d need to be level 1000 to get lost magics at the current planned number
edit: i forgot we get 2 stat points per level, so it should actually be level 500
vetex has never confirmed what the requirements for ancient and lost magi is. Its all speculation.
oh. okay guess that is evidence. but what about ancients?
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