Consistent treasure chart rewards

Consistent treasure chart rewards
effort 5.0 4 quality 5.0 4 reasonability 5.0 4

Basic but neccessary information before we proceed

Chart rarity - number of spots - number of chests

Courtesy of the AO Wiki

From the graph above, it’s easy to come to the conclusion that the rarer a chart is, the better the rewards. However, those who have spent an adequate amount of time solving treasure charts know that the graph failed to mention one crucial element: Chest rarity. Each chart rarity has its own predetermined chest rarity only affected by shovel enchantments.

Note: This chart is not 100% accurate as I don’t have access to the actual value. This is made by me with the help of some people using our own experience, therefore results with (?) could be wrong.
  • A clip demonstrating the reward on the 3rd spot of a legendary chart


Make every chest dug from treasure spots silver at the minimum, with each spot after the first increasing the chance to get golden chests from that same chart by a percentage, capping out at the 4th spot (as exotic charts’ final location has 100% golden chests + sealeds).

Reason to add/change

Prior to the Nimbus update, one of rare/exotic/legendary chart strong points was that, through the process of elimination, the chance to get a specific, rarer island was higher compared to that of more common charts. Now that every island has an equal chance to appear on a chart, however, rarer charts fell behind due to them being harder to obtain, lackluster rewards at the first few initial spots while also requiring more time and effort to clear compared to just opening chests/saving castaways and doing common charts obtained from them.



  • Rare+ charts are no longer hit-or-miss. The reward from each individual spot is always equal to or greater than a singular common chart.
  • The final spot, a.k.a., the crème de la crème remains unchanged.
  • Removes a layer of RNG from the tiresome grind for modified items.


  • Since it’s quite a big buff to Rare+ charts, rival farming could prove too beneficial compared to other methods of obtaining charts.

Interesting proposal, could you also explain the new treasure chart system? I didn’t know that it was changed in the Nimbus Sea update.

For a long time since the game’s release, it had been theorized (not confirmed by Vetex afaik but we’re here now and it was true) that the code rolled for spots on an island instead of the islands themselves. With such function, charts like Ravenna, Shells, Palo, Frostmill, and Windrow earned their reputation for being extremely common while you could go through dozens of charts without Akursius (I’m not even joking, just ask anyone who bothered to look through their charts after a dark sea expedition).

A bit while after Nimbus was released, charts were changed to choose an island first, then roll for a spot on that island instead. It was a little buggy at first but you could visibly tell that the community was elated to finally see Akursius on the daily menu :fr:

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hell yeah

Truthfully I’m probably not gonna be treasure hunting that much, but sure, this sounds good.

treasure chart buff i say yes

This change is great, however

I wish this was true.

I dunno what changes were pushed forward when vetex announced this was the case but no matter how big my sample size of treasure charts is, it seems that absolutely nothing has changed.
No less than 75% of nimbus sea charts lead to Sameria.
Same with bronze sea charts leading to the big three islands.

Well except for treasure charts being way rarer now, that’s definitely a change that happened.

it personally does for me tho, i got 2 akurius charts ( out of like 10 charts ) the other day while barely getting any for an entire week before the update

similarly, sameria charts dont feel anymore common than the others to me ( if anything shale reef and drakos arch are more common for me lol )

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In the bronze sea, I get 10 charts and every single one of them lead to ravenna, frostmill, or shell.
I get 20 and maybe one leads to blasted rock.
This should, if it worked as it was written, be borderline impossible!

As far as I can tell, the chart location chances haven’t changed in the slightest.
The only difference is that charts are substantially rarer than they used to be.

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