Continents of the War Sea [TGR Suggestion]

I meant the entire size of the crystal archipelago (didnt even know it was called that) or maybe 3/4s of it

Ohhhhh, alr

I’m not gonna hold you, that’s way too small. Frankly double that size would be perfect for a super large island; it’d give ample room to actually explore while still being manageable.

How tall can we expect an island to go up to? Around half the height of Mt. Seawatch?

If you think that’s way too small then you’re high

quicc maths

Do you understand how small Alalea is? 4 Alalea’s for the (l a r g e s t) island, is a tad bit small. I’d say a decent margin larger than that as the largest size as it’s not current Magius size and still large enough for multiple towns/cities.

Well like I said, archipelagos and large groups of islands will still exist, and no island size is set in stone. If there is ever a need for a massive island, I’ll make one, but don’t expect random wilderness islands to be the size of the whispering forest :fr:

Also, 4x the size of Alalea IS actually massive, a lot of people seem to forget it was pretty big, just that the town itself was small. For more scale, this is a picture of 4 Alaleas, and the red arrow points to Theos, an NPC, which is barely even visible


wait 4? you originally said 2

Adding continents the size of the current game’s map just adds back the old problems that are stated in the TGR post. The max size of an island is going to be 2x the size of Alalea from Arcane due to these reasons

Things can change, like he said if an island needs to be bigger than he’ll make a bigger one.

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Ok cool

ah i see i didnt get the reply, my bad. ive been making alot of suggestions too lately, lol. so some of the reponses are mixed in my head of which suggestion they were from

Ohhh reeeallly now?

I still stand by what I said earlier. So yes.

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Then I still stand by what I said earlier

It may just look small to you because we have a birds eye view in this picture, but alalea (especially 4 of them taped together) is really big.

Okay. I don’t care either way because Vet said the scale can shift so it doesn’t matter either way. But none of you are convincing me otherwise so I’m just gonna leave it alone lol

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