World Event: Convoys 1/2

World Event: Convoys 1/2
effort 4.857142857142857 7 quality 4.857142857142857 7 reasonability 4.666666666666667 6

On the sea, I think it would be cool to see convoys of ships. It would be a fun addition

General Idea

Convoys would be a event that would comprise of 1-4 non-combat ships, and a few protection ships. Completing the event by yourself is a challenge, so it would require 2-5 people to successfully complete one. it would give renowned and clan infamy depending on the tier.

Every 30-60 minutes while playing, a message will appear in the Agora telling the players that a fleet of ships was about to leave a island.

“The prosperous merchant Osiris Varn is leaving Ravenna so they can finish up trades in the town of Frostmill”

After this message appears, a timer for 10 minutes will begin. Once the timer reaches 0, the event will start. Every good player in the vicinity will become part of the bodyguards, and will gain rewards for protecting the convoy. This isn’t forced, and players can leave at anytime. Villains will be able to stop the convoys, and they will win after destroying 85% of the fleet.

Villains will gain slightly more loot from the event, but the drops will be around the same for both sides.

Ships would only drop half of their normal loot, and wouldn’t drop any sealed chest unless it’s the convoy reward. Some convoys have special features and loot, which I’ll expand on in a different post later.

Levels of Convoy


Small Group

2-3 NC ships, 1-2 C ships. They will have the least amount of loot, and the least amount of protection. Due to them being the lowest level, they will only spawn sailboats and caravels. Give 1,500-3,000 RN and 100 CI on completion

Strong Crew

3-4 NC ships, 4 C ships. Would be rarer than the Small Group, and would carry better loot than it as well. It would have higher leveler NPCs, and more battle ready boats. This would be able to spawn sailboats, caravels, gunboats, and occasionally ketches. Give 4,000-6,000 RN and 150-200 CI on completion.

Huge Convoy

3-4 NC ships, 4-5 C ships. The second most challenging convoy to take down. It would carry a large sum of loot, and be heavily protected. It would have level 125 NPCs, and would only spawn caravels and ketches. Give 7,000-10,000 RN and 250-300 CI on completion.



Cargo Run

Would only carry cargo crates, and would give 700-1000 galleons for completion on Small, and 2500-3000 on Huge. The ship’s merchants would all be Upstart Merchants. All C ships would be Bounty Hunter/Hero NPC’s.

Ingredient Transport

Drops more ingredient bags and food crates than normal. Would have a Dye Trade onboard one of the ships. All C ships would be Bounty Hunter/Hero NPCs.

Rich Merchant’s Travels

Drops everything and has cargo onboard. Would give 400-600 galleons on small, and 1500-2000 on huge. All ships would have Rich Merchants. All C ships would be Bounty Hunter/Hero NPCs.

Archaeologist’s Find

Carries scroll, weapon, armor, and bronze sealed chest. All C ships would be Bounty Hunter/Hero NPC’s. All C ships would be Bounty Hunter/Hero NPCs.

Valuable Export

Has gems, potions, spell scrolls (rarely), and cargo. Would give 500-700 galleons on small, and 1000-1750 on Huge. All C ships would be Bounty Hunter/Hero NPCs.

Grand Navy

These Gravy convoy give 1.3x RN and CI to villains on completion

Criminal Transport

Would hold a 1-4 recently caught criminals on it, and would only go to Silverhold/Palo Town. Releasing the criminal would give you items like a castaway, but would be any item and not only fish.

Returning Stolen Goods

Holds every chest besides bronze sealed, and it would only come from Silverhold.

Criminal Capturing

Don’t have anything on them. Will only be sent out to capture a NPC criminal on a island, which will then trigger Criminal Transport. Level depends on the level of the criminal. Ex: Level 100 criminal = Strong Crew. Would be more of a way to cycle through the criminals on the bounty board. They won’t target any criminal with a rival rating.

Assassin Syndicate

Both Assassin convoy give 1.3x to heroes on completion

Rightfully Stolen Goods

Identical to the Gravy’s Returning Stolen goods, but it goes to Whitesummit instead.

Cleaning Up Scum

Identical to the Gravy’s Criminal Capturing, but for heroes. They don’t capture the criminals, they just kill them on the island.

Special Convoys

Will expand on more in the next post, but will consist of a few things

  • 2 New Mini Bosses
  • 3 New Accessory
  • 3 New Weapon
  • 1 New Merchant Type
  • 1 Special Tier of Convoy


Tell me if their is any issue with the balancing at any point.


mabey the AS “cleaning up scum” could also target heros and rename it to “contracted mercenaries”

Heroes as in players?

Unrestricted Submarine Warfare time

cool idea

Always a nice thing to do, ship combat is underrated as heck.

Yeah sure why not

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Slight boost so both post are together

I like it, but the renown could be nerfed a bit

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I personally think it’s fine, since the event is very rare


you gave me a idea

It is reaching to be too modern for the Arcane Universe, though it somewhat reached WW1 tech

Im not gonna say no to it though

not JUST submarines, I’ll make a post about it later

Mf you are not gonna suggest Dreadnoughts/Battleships and get away with it

:smiling_imp: watch me

easily one of the best suggestions on this forum

great for immersion and spicing up the gameplay

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