World Event: Convoy 2/2

World Event: Convoy 2/2
effort 5.0 7 quality 5.0 7 reasonability 4.857142857142857 7

This is part two of my original post, which is linked here.

Special Convoy, The Behemoth Fleet.


0-3 NC ships, 7-8 C ships.

The absolute strongest convoy tier. Packed with ketches and brigs, only the absolute strongest of players are capable of taking one on. It is also the rarest convoy, with only a 2% chance of appearing.

Each faction comes with its own special Behemoth Fleet, with its own special enemies. If its about to appear, the Agora will send a special message out for each factions convoy.

These aren’t able to be protected by players, and both heroes and villains are able to fight them. After completion, it will give 25,000+ RN and 1,000 CI.

Special Fleets


The Prosperous Vendor, Aplistos:

“A strange merchant that appeared one day from the Dark Sea. People say that he is a only comes by once in a blue moon, but the quality of his wares are unmatched. The only issue with trading with him is getting to him.”

Agora: “A mysterious fleet of ships have appear from out of the Dark Sea, and they seem to be stocking up on resources from around the sea.”

The Merchants Behemoth Fleet. Would appear from the Dark Sea at the top of the Pelion Rift, and would simply sail around the sea till they get to the Dark Sea below Mount Othrys.

Instead of Bounty Hunters/Heroes guarding him, he will be protected by Dark Sea NPCs. The will work just as Vetex described them, but they would be slightly nerfed since they aren’t in the Dark Sea anymore.

Starting a fight with them will cause Aplisto’s brig to start fleeing to the nearest Dark Sea entrance, making it harder to catch them.

After defeating them, Aplistos will come out of the main brig, disturbed by the racket up above. If you are max level, he will recognize you as a potential customer an allow you to trade with him.

Trading with him will allow you to buy items such as spell/technique scrolls, Dark Sea affected items, and uncommon items such as Arcspheres for galleons and a item similar to what he is giving. He will also spawn with 1/4 of his special items that all start out at level 100, and can be upgraded to level 150 these items are:

  • Jackalope’s Foot: “A Necklace that is made from the mythical Jackalope, or at least they say. You know deep down that it’s just a mutated rabbit’s foot.” Gives 40+ Agility and Luck 1. Cost 8,000 Galleons and 5 Esca of Obolus.

  • Invisibility Cloak: “A Shiny Blanket that seems to disappear once placed onto the user. It has a few stains and holes, but it’s in pretty decent condition besides that.” Gives Invisibility 3. Cost 7,500 and 4 Obolus Scales.

  • Sandblaster: “A blunderbuss that seems to turn any bullet its loaded with into sand. Aplistos says to have gotten it from the ruins of Cassia town after venturing into the sandstorm, but you find it hard to believe.” Has Sand Magic infused into it, allowing for magical interactions. Cost 15,000 and 50 Sandflowers

  • Goliath Spear: “The tip of the spear seems to be made of a rare monster’s scale that was enhanced with arcanium metal. It has powerful electrical energy coursing through it. You asked Aplistos where he got it, and he just keeps saying “Big Snake””. Has Lightning Magic infused into it, allowing for magical interactions. Cost 20,000 and 2 White Eye Scales


Ex-commander Frenon

“Once a commander for the Grand Navy, he was kicked out for his brutal tendencies and twisted sense of justice. Still believing that he is justice, he took matters into his own hands”.

Agora: “Fear is struck into the sea once again, for the brutal Ex-commander Frenon has come to pay a visit to all those who oppose him”.

The Grand Navy Behemoth Fleet. Spawns only after the defeat of a Villain/Hero with 500k+ RN. If he is ready to spawn, and no player that meets the requirement is defeated, he will despawn.

Appears from any uninhabited and moves to a random open spot on the sea. After he finds a spot, the defeat player will be transported to his ship, in which he will host a private execution. The chat will send a different message than the normal execution text, saying:

“Frenon has captured his next victim and will execute them in 10 minutes”

No clue of his location will be giving, forcing players to have to find him before the execution takes place. Upon arrival, you will be greeted by his crew of ex-gravy members, who which to still follow their commander and his ways.

On board the ships will be bronze sealed chest and cargo, which give 4000+ galleons on completion. The main ship will be the ship of the execution, which has Frenon and the captured player on it.

Frenon Abilities and Drop

Frenon is a Gold Magic Cannon Fist user. He uses 2 Rushes, 1 Shot, 1 Gold Blast,1 Gold Snare, and 1 Gold Pulsar. He has 2000 HP and does mid to high damage.

After defeating him, you have a 1/6 chance of getting his rare"Astraea Palms", which are spiked golden gloves that give 30+ Attack size, 20+ Intensity, and 12+ Power at level 100, and can level up to 160.


Maestro Galinos

"A prodigy that has recently joined the assassin ranks, taking out big targets and climbing the ranks instantly. She went missing in the Dark Sea a few days ago, but has reappeared with a special mutation to help her take her place as the Terror of the Bronze Sea".

Agora:“The infamous assassin Galinos has shown up once again, this time more powerful than before. We fear this might be the end of the Bronze sea as we know it.”

The Assassin Behemoth Fleet. Probably the hardest fleet out of all of them, having no NC ships active during it. The loot will consist of valuables like gems and potions, and rarely scrolls.

She will spawn from the Dark Sea, and go to the island with the highest population of players. Once making it to a island, instead of them despawning, they will sink any ship nearby then go back out to sea.

They will also aggro onto any level 125+ player sailing nearby, starting a fight with them. After 15 minutes of doing this they will head to Whitesummit, where they will finally despawn.

Her and her crew will be wearing black mask and fuchsia colored clothing instead of red because of the Dark Sea. They will use slightly purplish tinted attacks to go along with it.

Galinos Abilities and Drops

Galinos is a Magma Conjurer that dual wields axes. She has 1 Explosion attack, 1 Beam, 1 Aura that boost speed, 1 Blast, and 2 Suncleaver abilities. She has 1500 HP, but her agility increases as the battle goes on, making it harder to hit her.

After defeat, she has a 1/6 chance of dropping her rare"Suncleaver" axes, which are 2 Yellow, Black, and Purple axes that are infused with magma magic. They have 3 new moves, which are:

Eruption: Leaping into the air and slamming back down, waves of lave ripple out in all directions around the character

Ignis Rain: After a short wait, throw the axe towards the mouse cursor, causing magma to fly into the air and rain back down on to the opponent.

Gentle Inferno: Dash forward with the axes on both sides of you, leaving a trail of molten rock in your wake.


The convoy event is suppose to give more to do in the game, but not force you to do anything. I believe it should be added, and would be one of the most fun things to do with a group of friends. Tell me if anything needs tweaking so i can change it before it sits for too long.



Cannonfist gonna carry…

(Btw you should but TLDR on top of text)

Sounds cool and adds more multiplayer content that isn’t pvp

It sounds like a very nice addition! It adds a lot of things to do. However, I don’t know about Maestro sinking every ship, does it include NPC ships and player ships? If so it sounds a bit frustrating to have your ship sunken while doing other things on the island. Besides that I love the idea!


Outside of having assassin NPCs jump your ship while you’re away and the grand navy fleet only appearing when renown farmers are involved, I love everything in this suggestion.


This meme I made in 2020 become true

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He’s a profit

Ships go brrrrrr, that’s what I like!

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“Canon fist is weak”
shows this post

you cant directly aim towards the enemy, since the canonball would just hit your ship’s railing and explode, you gotta use it mortar mode

also i love this, the teamwork required to go into this is huge, also its fun getting more naval content & taking down a big bad boss with your friends and it not just being the boss dodging around the entire time

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If vetex makes explosion magic work similar way as cannonfist I belive there wont be just couple people using it as main magic

I liked using cannon fist for it since I feel like it doesn’t get enough love

I like using canon fist because I like ranged projectiles

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