Cooking Skill: Cleaving Table

Cooking Skill: Cleaving Table
effort 3.25 4 quality 2.666666666666667 3 reasonability 2.75 4

Original topic by @sunfellzito , reposted as a suggestion

The suggestion in questions is a new fishing skill, once you max out cooking, you get a quest to go do a 500+ meal or something, after completing it you get the option to buy from the quest guy a dismantling table, a placeable tool, that allows you to dismantle a fish.
Dismantling the fish will give you three things
2x scales, 2x Boneless fish file and 1x Bone
How does it work, you can place the table in your boat, on Caravels, Ketches and Brigs, you can place the fish on the table.
Once in the table is on a surface, you can select the fish and place it on it, by pressing E, and by equipping an Slicing tool, you can press E on the table again to dismantle the fish, obtaining its loot


this sounds pretty cool, but the 400 hunger quest was already a bit of a pain. also why would we need to be able to dismantle fish?

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it sounds like it could be useful to gain more drops such as scales, seems nice for alchemists, and getting 500 hunger might not be so bad now with colossal fish from the dark sea

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please stop locking game elements behind quests given by single npcs thank you very much

the drops should just scale off of your cooking level and the tables could increase cooking level when used


ok so

  1. Why is there an entire slicing tool just to cut fish and for an obscure feature as well, the table should already have that covered?

  2. Why is a fishing mechanic tied to cooking and why does it require max cooking for something so meaningless for any kind of feature this small?

  3. Why do you need to make a 500+ hunger meal to get the ability, just getting to max cooking should be enough?

  4. What is the point of making an entire table just to dismantle fish. The so called loot that one gains from doing this, you can already get Scales from just waiting for the fish to rot? and as said there’s already some kind of tool that slices the fish, why couldn’t that be used instead?

  5. What does “boneless fish file” do? not enough info on what it does.

This is extremely vague and the only thing I could get out of this is that it makes it so that you have to max cooking so that you can skip the option to wait for fish to rot. And if that’s the case, why waste time adding features like this when there are other ones that do the same exact thing?

Do not let bro cook ever again

It isn’t dismantelling. You don’t dismantle fish. You gut/fillet fish.

1, why would this be added?
2, what are you suppose to do with fish scale and boneless fish filet?

Overcomplicated, unnecessary restrictions and requirements.

Needs more time in the oven, but the ingredients are there.


Ok so, have you ever cought 7 legendary fishes in the same day?
Me too, and I had alot of time that specific day, I wanted to get the scales whiout having to wait it to rot, but cooking only gives one, this would give us a reason to go perfect cooking skill, to get scales b4 the rooting time


Well, you can use the golden/legendary fish scales before IT rot
Fish file is just a nother food that can be used like a fish but gives better food as you don’t have to be carefull with the bone.
Bone is just bone, you can sell ir ot use it in potions

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Its not a small feature, legendary fish scales moviment the trading market so much right now, I got two sets of sunken warrior just by trading scales for it.
Its wierd that such a feature is locked behind luck of getting a leg fish + the time for it to rot, while we could just chop the scales of the fish off

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what in the war seas is a boneless fish pile


I think what bro want is an option to get both the scale and the food the fish provides

Locking it behind getting max level cooking makes it so the value of legendary scales doesnt drop by gatekeeping it behind a job

I like the idea of having a dedicated table for it cause it will give more personality to guild bases in the future

I also think that by “cutting tool” bro meant having a weapon like sword or knife on your hand, but that’s unnecessary either way, the table should have it covered.

Its overall a good idea that would let you take the most out of your legendary fish without trivializing the choice of cooking a good meal or getting a good ingredient in the early game.

The quest part is horrendous tho, this feature should be a reward to maxing out cooking, no quest needed

Id say let bro cook, but with supervision

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First of all, what the hell is that luck???
Granted i stopped playing like two months after the dark sea update cause my pc broke, but i never ever got a legendary fish.

Now i really really like this idea cause it makes the experience of catching a legendary fish less awful for the player without just trivializing it.

That said, why d’you feel the need to add the quest? Why d’you think the table shouldnt spawn by default next to caldrons and have to be placed?

You are an experienced chef, I see.

it said you could use it on ‘normal’ fish too

This is so useless???
Im saying this before @Waping sees this

well uh ive been summoned i guess

the way rotting/cooking fish is done rn, you either have to choose to get reagents by rotting, or get a good meal by cooking.

this does both for free and more, so im not exactly sure if thats justified. kinda just depends on if vetex made sure that there was a distinction with benefits to both rotting and cooking on purpose, which i mean he added that so probably