Cool images

i drank clearsight v.
i edited it to help it pop out better
i stumbled across it on accident in my first trip to insanity 4
unfortunately it was one big nothing burger i wish i couldve come across in the nimbus sea update for the title. I didnt spend very long there


These are the best images of the epicenter I’ve seen yet.



incase anyone is curious. These are the unedited images.

this truly is an epic center

Yeah. Sadly this place has a filter that ruins its visibility

Just like Mount Orthys cave and the secret cave in Shell Island??

Why, Vetex? For what reason?!?

I get why for the dark sea, its supposed to be a dark and stormy place and it makes it a little harder to spot islands, but yeah Mount Othrys and the secret shell island cave should not have gotten that treatment at all makes them unbearable to get through

Don’t even want to think about how long it took me to find the exit to the shell island cave again

lol, whenever i progress i dont bother going through the cave. i just climb using this one route near the entrance and t jump my way up.

When I progress through Shell Island, I always place a camp right outside the entrance of the island. So, when the cutscene is over I can just reset my character and skip the whole “looking for my glasses while blindfolded” thing.

what’s inside the purple lake?

the lava image i posted. if u mean like what you can collect from it. Its just regular old toxic seawater


I really wish there was something unique to the Epicenter, like a unique cosmetic item, unique ingredients maybe? And more places like it

same. theres a dude at sailors lodge who is on a spiritual journey to find the epicentre. itd be nice if there was a quest with him. rn its just a lore location.

i was stoked for a bit when i found the epicentre but there wasnt much to do so i left and continued sailing to do what i wanted to do in insanity 5

Hopefully epicenter gets more content in a later update.

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