Could arcane odyssey revive the Roblox platform?

Like what am I doing man

It’s the beginning of fall break for me and I feel kinda like

An underlying tone of being a deflated balloon with a hole so you can’t really use it again even though I’m supposed to be enjoying stuff

I mean I’m watching the good place atm that’s fun I guess

try to find a hobby, like a sport or an art form, that you can focus on outside of this forum

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Okay maybe a break wouldn’t be so bad…

Just 2 things…

A: Im not like super infamous and hated right? Just… moderate pain in the ass?

B: how long…?

A. annoying, but not horrible

B. however long you need till you think you’ve matured and gained more interests outside of this forum

I mean I have like swim and art so I guess I keep doing what I do

And like on a scale of 1 to 10 annoying how bad

1 being not really

10 being literally every post I make somehow offends somebody on here

6, now please, let the topic stay on topic


I guess this is goodbye

you dont need to take a break you just need to ask what people dislike about you and if you feel like you should, stop doing those things

Yeah, notice how guy never even bothers asking about why people dislike him so much, even though he constantly says he doesn’t know himself?

Or how he constantly keeps bringing up how hated he is, both in this thread and in other threads? Even when no one asks, man still brings it up while not altering his behaviour in any way whatsoever.

I don’t know, personally I think the guy is playing a charade to garner pity points. Just from watching his behaviour that’s what I’ve gathered. It could be that he’s subconsciously doing this, but it definitely seems that he’s just trying to farm for pities. Could be wrong tho.

Protips for him when he comes back:

  1. When virtually the entire forum is telling you to shut the fuck up, please shut the fuck up.
  2. When you see a perfectly good topic progressing as usual, that’s not the time to constantly spam dumb playground humour incessantly until someone gets annoyed. That’s called fishing for attention, and you don’t get to play the victim when others lash out at you for being annoying.
  3. Playing victim only seems pitiable the first few times. After that, it just seems annoying.

People have said what I’ve said constantly in this thread alone but he just completely glosses over it or replies with yet another sob story.

These are just my personal observations though, I haven’t been active for a while so maybe I’m missing some key context here. I doubt I’m wrong anyway, though.



u should get off forum and go gym

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Holy fucking shit shut the fuck up.
All you’ve been doing is saying “oh my gawwwd I’m a piece of shit” :sob: :sob: without even questioning WHY people think you’re a piece of shit.

You CANT just say retarded shit and then feel bad about yourself for pity points like that makes you a better person you actual clown. You need to BE BETTER

YOU are everything wrong with you. It’s not the forumers. It’s not whatever the fuck happened to you when you were a kid. It’s not any fucking mental disabilities. It’s. you. Just. You.

Either come to terms with this and mature or stay the fuck off this site.


by that logic every rpg in existence is a simulator cuz ur grinding levels



roblox has twisted the definition of simulator :skull:

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Knowing you you’ll come back, and I’ll leave off a gift child:


No you’re not. Stop being edgy. It is cringe
The only person who actually seems to “hate” you here is yourself

“wow guys, i can’t wait to read a normal discussion on the AO forums!”

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Message To Sandal

Y’know sandal, this entire situation surrounding you reminds me of me when I was a little kid. I was school smart, but I was…weird. I was the sensitive kid who would always cry over spilled milk and make everything about me when the situation had nothing to do with me (kind of like what i’m doing now LOL). Made me a prime target for bullying. There wasn’t a grade level where I wasn’t bullied in some way, shape, or form (until 11th grade).

Like you, I would say I would change, I didn’t change back then
Like you, I would say I would stop, I didn’t stop back then

Of course I was called out for it. And that’s how I was remembered in middle school.
But this isn’t middle school. This is the real world. And in the real-world, we grow out of doing stuff like that.

If there’s anything that these 19 long years taught me, it’s that pity parties don’t solve anything man. I’ve had them. But there’s no use in them.


Because that embarrassing thing you did some-odd years ago? Already forgotten by the people who witnessed it. That weird thing you said a few weeks ago? Already forgotten by the people who heard it.

And on the off-chance they remember? Who cares! You can’t carry that pain with you and take it out on undeserving people. There are almost 8 billion people on this earth. Every new day and/or new person you meet is a clean slate and an opportunity to change.

The point i’m trying to make Sandal, is that no one on this forum hates you. They don’t know enough about you as a person to hate you. They hate your actions. And I have 0 doubt that you can change your actions.

Because I don’t hate you.

I’m rooting for you.

It’s just…derailing topics or roasting people for no reason is a quick way to earn backlash.

Don’t do that!

Don’t make yourself a target! I strongly dislike seeing people make 100 paragraph replies to you that I would hate to be on the receiving end of. It’s amazing how many of them contain the words “Shut the fuck up”. Breaks my heart, but they’re not wrong. Those words are not coming from malice. They’re coming from a genuine desire to see you improve.

So whether your break is 7 days, a month, or even 15 minutes (bc Ik you’ll be back soon)

If you CHANGED during that break

The forum will welcome you back with open arms

– SavageWind

@OnionRing Want me to close this topic?


(though im not the topic owner)
yeah seems right to close the topic
people have already made their inputs

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