Could arcane odyssey revive the Roblox platform?

This is based off of later gameplay and fans of the game currently.

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Im sorry but what you do mean by revive the roblox platform :face_with_raised_eyebrow: ? roblox is absolutetly fucking thriving even with their shit descisions.

If you mean bring roblox a more mature fanbase, sure it may bring back the more mature fans but i doubt it will really have THAT great of an affect, no matter how large it is, the only game that has really done that is Deepwoken but i can’t even begin to explain why that is

If you mean bring back actual quality games on the site, yeah sure the game might be quality but there is no way people will switch from games like “ANIME SUPERPOWER SIMULATOR” which net them tens of thousands for adding fucking nothing each month and bringing nothing to the table, most newer devs on the platform prioritize greed/ quantity over quality

If you mean make roblox good again, my point stands before, there are already good games on the site like Isle and shit like that.

The only thing it might “revive” on roblox in magic-esque games


this question is extremely vague and I require more context as to what we’re “reviving”

cold hard answer

Absolutely fucking true, Roblox has probably never been in a better position than it’s in right now and will probably only increase. Has some bad parts but the platform is pretty solid. Revive is just the wrong word for this.

unrelated but i like how you quoted only “roblox is absolutetly fucking” making it sound like roblox is getting some tap :drooling_face:

lmfao fixed it

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Man yall weird :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :camera_flash:


Roblox is absolutetly fucking

Jokes aside, Crimson pretty much took the words out of my mouth

I think “Revive” in this case means “will it inspire devs to start making actual games instead of anime shitting sim”

Unfortunately no. Money always wins. I really do want more passion projects on roblox to be created instead of souless cash-grabs that exist only to cash in on trends, anime, and gambling addicts. But that takes effort, and people will do what earns them the most money with little effort. Sadly, simulators have proven to be effective in that regard :C There are some diamonds in the rough like Doors and arsenal though.

But even if the majority of games on the front page are utter-shit, roblox is in a GREAT place and is one of the most popular platforms in the world. It’s a M U L T I - B I L L I O N D O L L A R company and it is far from dead.

The decisions made by the higher ups there are…questionable however





Honestly I’ve really liked playing phighting on roblox (fighting game which is based off roblox gears). I’ve been having fun with hyperlaser on it but the new character the dev is gonna add seems really cool.

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Ah i’ve heard of that one

Haven’t played it yet but saw footage, looks solid

Might give it a go

highly likely that it unfortunately will not have that great of an impact on roblox’s shitty ass state right now

The game would have to be the most anticipated, well marketed, revolutionary game on the platform in a long time to have an impact like that. While I do think the game will be one of the best currently out, let’s be realistic

Currently isn’t playable cuz of it being developed rn but it’ll reopen late oct

Damn I said this wrong, there seems to be a lot of mainly based anime games that storm the platform, and the majority of the platform is mainly a younger audience, could this game inflate the Roblox users by a substantial amount or would Roblox just seem the exact same.

More like, changing Roblox’s main player base from anime simulator type game players to a slightly different audience, this could also make more people want to play the game especially because if ao does well it can influence others to make great games aswell, though even that logic is flawed

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ao is kinda an anime simulator game tho :skull:

imma be real its probably the latter