Could durza beat goku?

The only character in the AU (besides chaos and the other bullshit concept things) Is freedrock if he is lucky. Assuming the lazarus curse doubles power each time you die, and Freedrock has died 583 times starting as an average person (the average punch produces around 100 joules of energy), His punch could singlehandedly OBLITERATE the universe, multiple times so if we are being realistic, freedrock can solo most of every verse :fr:, then again he is only the 11th unkown so there is something probably capping his power, but yeah if freedrock gets lucky he can sweep really any goku form, even MUI with radius fist

can’t spell wise warrior without the W’s

goku speedblitz probably

Unknowns were scrapped and now all gods but Hades are dead so if we go by the old unknown standards, Torren isn’t canon and the unknowns were primarily gods.

This means Freedrock could very well be the strongest living human

Also I think it was changed to an unspecified power increase and not 2x

Durza can just steal Goku’s energy

Goku vs the Jaw Pirates

goku would realize what’s going on and knock him out before he drains enough of it

goku when the level 3 jaw pirate unleashes the Old Dagger upon him

if your character has finite physical power and no hax goku probably beats them. reminder that master roshi blew up the entire moon back in the original dragon ball.

most characters with hax can beat goku though

energy drainage wouldn’t count as hax though i’d say

Who is Goku?

…fuck, i forgot


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