Could lions win this matchup?

4.40 x 10^26 lions vs 1 of each pokemon (not including any legendary pokemon)


This seems a BIT unfair (towards the Pokémon)

Should we add the legendaries in then?

Nah, legendaries usually have weird abilities that would let them solo basically infinite lions
2 of every Pokémon maybe?

Go go gadget, heatwave x2.

it hits all opponents

I cast ERUPTION RAAAAH + every single helping hand in the game

I don’t think the two above me understand that this is the entire observable universe’s worth of lions.
Those are enough lions to fill THE ENTIRE universe.

spread moves hit ALL enemy pokemon

Unfortunately for you, lions are not pokemon.

Aint mewtwo do that already?

Mewtwo ain’t there

no you can’t say bullshit like this and expect it to work. It targets all opposing targets. It hits them. And if we’re going by this logic, almost every lion fucking dies because they’re in space and the rest kill each other because lions don’t work together

In conclusion: Heatwave.


actually wait is heatwave 100% accurate

Probably 90, i don’t remember.

There’s an item for that, right?

Well, everything dies because there is no space for the pokemon to exist in, since the lions are covering everywhere matter could be.

therefore pokemon wins because ghost types exist and can go through things

How many lions do i have to use so i can kill these god dang pokemons?!

32-bit integer limit.

I am quite sure 4.40 x 10^26 is higher than that.