Could Sandal beat the forums in a fight?

actually if we’re going into paradoxes I may as well just make myself omnipotent :man_shrugging:

He’s even more immortal

Can manipulate the laws of reality

Is immune to cause and effect manipulation

okay be like that.


I win.


what can sandal do that can truly kill the wiz101 mc

I don’t believe a videogame character has ever killed someone irl.

I actually exist irl and couldn’t be harmed by some pixels on a screen.

which I guess is a draw but I could probably just unplug the server room hypothetically lol

Oh boy, arguing?

I had to resort to using my true form because div has a bullshit videogame character

honestly I could just use “videogame killer magic” or something but eh sandal is simpler


Probably a draw, I doubt there are many people could close wiz101 or delete characters and stuff

my oc stomps sandal

oh no someone’s made up character I sure do hope that can’t attack me in real life

oh wait

it can’t.

this is a post about you making situational magics up why the fuck are you bringing real life up

because that’s my true form

and besides a wizard101 character isn’t a forumer so at this point who cares lel

He can’t match my ar drip


This MAN is a FAKE Fadetrimmer, don’t EVER go to him for your cuts

please daddy

pics or it isnt real