Could Sandal beat the forums in a fight?

ive said all thats needed to be said.



use one of your million magics to make me

if you cant even do that then its clear that Opal can easily no diffs you

omnipotency magic.

gg, ez.

you still doesnt know who Opal is

fake omnipotency, loser :unamused:

I seriously don’t know who opal is but I am going to use all of my unfair and broken magics just because I feel like being a stinky bum head today :troll:

Opal still no diffs you fr fr

who in the sunkist orange crisp freshness FUCK is opal :sob: :sob:


there is literally only 1 being that has the power to defeat me.

and it’s not a rock.

yes and thats Opal

Explain how a mineral defeats someone with 1,000,000 separate magic abilities.

(and for the record, I’m not saying who can beat me, but if you’ve been following me around for long enough, you might know the answer… :new_moon_with_face:)

what if opal is just mass hysteria and there isn’t actually anyone named opal anywhere

yes its Opal

Opal isn’t real so therefore cannot hurt me :sunglasses:

oh fck you got me :pensive:

IMAGINE dying to schizophrenia smh…

what if you have schizophrenia and your million magics isnt real :thinking:

The real question is: what if my schizophrenia magic isn’t real :pensive:

what if im not real