Could the player get the death curse

No, the answer is no. But say some how the player went east of Pelion and found the death curse before morden at fort talus, couldn’t they find it? if so how would it change the story

we dont know what the player is yet so that cant be answered for sure

we’d probably curbstomp argos and calvus or at least have a lot easier of a battle, though that means morden might have a tough time against julius

or we might swap and we fight julius while morden kills calvus

it would make sense since i guess morden and us are similar enough since the order wanted both of us

I don’t see pre-deathcurse Morden alone beating Calvus or even scratching Julian ( The only feats we’ve seen are knocking out Ravenna ensigns ). The Mc could halt the group’s movement to immobilize or kill Julian then resume our advance towards Calvus’s throne. Or direct Iris, Morden and Neviro to fight Calvus while we tackle Julian

And considering Argos and Calvus were beaten by a hobo with amnesia who would’ve been fodderized by most curse users. They would’ve died in a shorter timeframe.

i think pre curse morden is actually stronger than mc, we both have the special thing that the order of aesir wants, but morden hasn’t lost his memory, he should be more skilled in whatever he uses than us

in this approach, assuming morden is weaker but still able to something and iris likely having slightly more endurance then neviro, julian would get curbstomped and MC would arrive because they stalled for him

The MC would’ve likely been injured or temporarily paralyzed. Assuming if it’s the former they would’ve likely either arrived to late if Julian has good endurance and is persistant or would’ve arrived in the battle.

death curse is weak

he’ll die

it wont even be a fight, unless we switch place with him Morden will die


Or maybe we simply are too op to get one shotted by julian and end up defeating him, and calvus comes next

I feel like Morden didnt kill Julius anyway but ended up feeling like he actually almost died

It’s pretty clear julian didn’t die

You think protagonist could end up being unable to touch the curse?

I still have the headcanon MC has a fear of cubes so they wont go near curses

Its Percy Jackson trust me

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