"Count" Option for Crash

"Count" Option for Crash https://forum.arcaneodyssey.dev/uploads/default/original/3X/4/6/467084875fd70814e17137a95ac4fbc5cb39abde.gif
effort 4.5 2 quality 4.5 2 reasonability 4.75 4

Would probably be unlocked at around 70 Strength. Can be set to 1, 2, 3, or 4.

A multihit crash works by starting a new crash right after the endlag of the previous crash ends, up to as many times as the selected count. Although each crash has less range and damage than a single-hit crash, you can select a new direction for each individual crash, making it great for chasing down an enemy who’s constantly moving.
Because this would be extremely good for dodging in the air, using a multihit crash will consume both Air Movement options rather than only one.

The total distance that a multihit crash goes would be farther than a singlehit crash, because you’re taking longer to get there.
A 2-count travels ~20% farther than a 1-count in total.
A 3-count travels ~35% farther than a 1-count in total.
A 4-count travels ~50% farther than a 1-count in total.

The total damage that a multihit crash would have depends on if knockback is ticked on or off, because it’s harder to track an enemy if they’re being knocked back, and as such you should be rewarded more. However, it would obviously always be higher than a singlehit crash’s damage.
(note these numbers are for landing every hit of the multihit crash)
Knockback multihit crashes total to ~160% more damage than a knockback singlehit crash.
No-knockback multihit crashes total to ~125% more damage than a no-knockback singlehit crash.

I’m not thinking much about these numbers, so reply if you think they should be different (damage could probably be lower for 2-counts? unsure if 2-count blasts and smashes work the same way). I set the damage high because you’re going to be locked into this attack for a pretty long time, so it should at least compare to the DPS of other melee attacks.

Reason to add

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oh ultrakill you P-ranked that boss yet?
also, yea makes sense


Interesting idea. I’ve always thought of why Crash didn’t have an amount option but I guess it’d be a little different like this. Not sure how hard it’d be to implement though.

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Thy end is now!
player does a 4-hit crash, then high jumps
player proceeds to kick their opponent into oblivion

Would be cool to have in the game.

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I had suggested this before and discussed with a tester about something like this and apparently they had suggested something like this as well which was denied by vetex


Now all we need is a

(forums doesn’t support mp3 last I checked) and we got the whole set, in fact, I’d even consider going warlock/berserker again if this was done.
Warlock so I can use wave and/or explosion or something.

Minos Prime is the reason that all of my moves are named “CRUSH!”


oh, btw how was p-2?


to sum up…
also, i had to really speed it up to fit in the 4MB : (

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honestly, i think an autotracking option for crash could be interesting, but it would have to be like 50% less damage

i really like the idea, but i see this being countered easily if you try to attack someone on the ground, the first crash would break the floor and the next 4 would just get blocked by terrain cus you fell in the hole

voted anyways, you could also use this skill for movement and i like it a lot

I got distracted and ended up playing a modded Digimon game trying to get Omnimon Alter B

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