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You have three files, do all three

Damage scaling got adjusted, youā€™ll always be dealing the same amount of damage as a pure build as long as you donā€™t invest in vitality.

Also strength weapons exist

shouldnā€™t I invest in vitality?

yeah but until I get a good strength weapon, Iā€™ll be fighting w bare fists, which is pretty cool but yeah.

you still get hp when you level up, vitality is just extra hp on top of that

I more so meant for the warlord build

So is it worth to invest in the vitality?

In my opinion, only if you plan on being a vitality hybrid. Thereā€™re still armors and enchants that give decent amounts of HP without needing to sacrifice points into vitality

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I just dont know if I should be awarlord or not. Cuz warlord infusing weapon fighting style is also requiring magic as a stat



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The thing about not putting anything into HP is that, well, unless Iā€™m really good at dodging and block, I will die easily from a beam blast or explosion that anyone could use.

you will still have pretty high hp pool. look at the newest pvp vid (hot nā€™ cold, or smth along those lines was the video name) and you can see how they have like 800 hp, without having a single stat into vitality

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Yeah the hp per level was adjusted to 7 per level

Fighting Style imbuement is not the same as Magic imbuement.

94 hours left


that would literally just require you to be a savant lol.

Okay so, when you spec into something do you do more dmg with that magic, it says u can just use more diverse abilities from that selection. Does that mean that you do damage additionally based on what you spec into