Countdown to release

it was said that damage was 25% level and 75% stats, but as long as you don’t spec into vitality then all your abilities will do equal damage as long as it’s part of your build

Another question, do you think magma mage would be viable at all?





When will this game come out i need to make a boat

february 25th. 4pm est

? What you mean? , I am just curious calm down.

I will make a speed boat

92 hours left… AO is coming


This feels like the Zelda moon

89 hours left… where will you been when ao is release? i was smoking smegma cream when phone ring “AO is release!!!” “no…”

So far, not too much, maybe remake my guild… might go thermo fist or iron leg + light warlock. Last time I got in to deep with drama and such and took the game too seriously and became far too self-righteous. This time I wanna just have fun and be chill

ngl I kinda wanna do the opposite of you, and get hella deep in the drama and take it seriously for the self-righteousness
it sounds like it’d be fun if you’re not going overboard on it

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You’re call, but trust me it can be hard to not go overboard… so be careful and best of luck!

oh yeah no I get that but I might actually intentionally go overboard just to see how many buttons I can push before I get everyone’s KOS filled up with only me lmfao

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86 hours left…


77 hours left

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no it’s me