Countdown to release

I’m in the same timezone, and I can confirm we are in Europe (last time I checked :eyes: )

i’m not going to heavily change my sleep schedule just for ao release lol if that’s even possible for me

that’s actually hella early, i’d sort my stuff out before then because we usually stay up until 11pm here

damn guess im lucky then

Europe is large. Our timezone is yellow. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
Europe Time Zone - Europe Current Time

Damn americans with their damn eagle and their damn burgers per eagle

And our guns per burger and our burgers per eagle

wym american im here


Wanna guess ma country? (Tip: Europe)




Wow, Texas is in Europe (what?)

Okay, time to give up my location.
It is…
Antarctica (actually Latvia)

I said this to try and be a nut

No matter where you live in America. If people tell me they’re American I will automatically assume you live in Ohio

Dang no Florida

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Might need to check what time it was releasing for me again because I am in the green area.

Timezone was GMT+2 and that’s the only thing I remember

it’s releasing at 1PM where i live

Also Vetex lives in Pennsylvania, correct?

It’s near Ohio :skull: