Craziest thing that happened to you this Halloween

if your going to get too personal then get out. only funny comical things that randomly happened
drake thumbnail for clickbait

these could be like a funny costume or large group of costumes etc

I had an online class and told my teacher my camera was broken but I was actually making a breakfast sandwich with sausage eggs and hashbrowns

a kid attacked one of my big cat blowups with her fairy princess wand

a kid got jumped by like 10 people right before school started

I got Pokémon cards

Man I had a boring Halloween
I blame it on school not giving me a day off because of Halloween 3:<

saw a furry with a tail on… very scary

Who’s gonna tell him
That’s not specific to Halloween

the scariest part was where it was placed

It was at a church giving out candy

it kind of is because i saw it during Halloween but okay

TW: REALLY REALLY SUPER SCARY!!! :ghost: :ghost: :ghost:

I sat at home… Doing absolutely nothing… :scream::scream::scream:


My dog watched a scooby doo movie

looks like you all are too stuck on the forums :wastebasket: to go outside even for Halloween

such a shame

Hey I went trick or treating 3:<
Not a whole lot happened during the trick or treating but still

yeah trick or treating dead now cuz of trunk or treating

lazy ass kids don’t even want to walk around

old woman said

“How many years are you serving”

I said “zero”

she gave me two times the candy