Crazy ass neviro theory

no calvus didnt have any armor piercing

vetex said aomc is a savant though

Is curse inheritance just the magic version of the curse or is it a fragment of the curse.

I don’t think calvus used a magic circle for his inheritance.


I know Vetex said that Calvus lost because he was a Savant. So to be honest I don’t believe you until you show proof. Either that or the MC is just cracked, but to be honest, I think Vetex saying that Calvus lost because they were a Savant and spread their skills thin implies the MC isn’t.

this i think since he talks about them being a savant

Just gonna assume the AO MC is some True Savant where they’ll be able to get:
Upgraded Lost Fighting Styles (ancient equivalent), Ancient magic, Legendary Weapons, and spirit weapons

As far as I’m concern in-game Savants are still inferior


Yeah and he was back up in camp in no time

Neviro is the all brains no brawn character.

If I were theorize, he would be the character who restore his kingdom glory as he turned Ravenna as he talk his way to for alliance and cooperation from other country


he got red eyes curse real

How exactly does curse inheritance work? Does it take up one of the users minds? Is it just a beefier version of that magic? I don’t think inherited curse users can transform, we never see calvus doing this.

you get a much weaker version of that curse which can be used without magic circles

darkness curse user’s kids just getting a free shadow magic alongside their actual magic be like:

neviro about to beat the living shit out of a boss by only using his soul

he always has some legendary scales on hand and drinks a luck v potion before a fight

I’m assuming humans are just more durable in the arcane universe considering we can swing our weapons to create tornados and shit or jump several feet in the air

we just decide while in the air “im gonna fly at that dude and punch him”
willpower goes crazy

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Nah we can jump off of air

double jump tech secretly added to ao (real)