Can weapon and fighting style users get as strong as curse and magic users?

i guess a shitton of non mages are gonna be depressed knowing they can never be the most powerful

Cursebeard is absolutely higher than top 10 strongest, i don’t know who you would rank above him unless you’re referencing the scrapped “11 unknowns” idea


just read the lore doc bro im not going to keep posting pictures of it


on it rn, not sure it answers my question

Shit sucks, but what can ya do?

assuming you’re talking about gameplay and not lore, everyone at endgame will be the same power since the player character in lore is a savant anyway, itd be pretty dumb if at level 300+ mage is just twice as strong as the other builds


but in lore?

wheres the link to the lore doc again? ive been trying to use the one on the trello but it doesnt seem to work for me.

in lore magic trumps all, you can only get so physically strong due to human limitation, and as NPCs in the game mention you start to imbue your attacks with trace amounts of magic to extend their reach and power when you become experienced enough, but the strongest pure weapon/fighting style users in the verse are only as strong as top 15-25, not top 10, unless they awakened actual magic use and then began to imbue that on their weapon/fighting style


how many non magic users in the world are in mental shambles due to never being able to be top 1 and the strongest?

i’d love to see a little character dialogue where they are extremely sad that they’ll never be able to use magic

I’m confused is magic and aura like 2 separate things or are they synonymous

also, is it more common to be born without magic or is it more common to be born with a magic? I assume most town NPCs don’t use magic since they probably had no need to awaken it or figure out how to use it.

i dont think they would care since the only reason they get strong in the first place is through their circumstances and need for survival, its not like every top 10 character is bound to fight each other and the non magic users would lose, being top 25 means that basically anyone they come across in the world they can kill


aura is just the name of the technique used when someone imbues trace amounts of magic energy into their attacks to make them more powerful, the boxing mentor explains it better

its more common to be born without it, but most that do tend to learn how on their own at a young age, so yeah all the town npcs you see likely dont have magic



Does this also apply to vitality users? is being able to use spirit weaponry genetic or is it more on par with strength where you need to train it.

Question? Doesn’t everything use magic? Albeit in different ways

Mages channel magic directly
Fs users channel magic through their bodies
Weapon users imbue magic from the surrounding atmosphere into their attacks

But other than that technically in lore a mage who’s focused purely on magic can still have learnt a fs or a couple weapons to maximum proficiency and gained weapon aura and the ability to imbue their own magic on top of it?

Everyone is a savant.

Savant supremacy.

Top 25-15 is still pretty good for those who just purely rely on weaponry or martial arts.

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Do you think spirit weaponry is a genetic thing like magic or is it more “trainable” like strength and weapon prestige?

Spirit in its entirety is still rather unknown, all we know is that spirit weapons utilized by “priest” were gifts from the gods. If I had to make I guess I’d say it’s something that you can be taught it’s just not very well-known in the AU

So does that mean in canon, wardens, paladins, juggers, and knights are like… super mysterious?