Create a story abt me by adding a post after the person above you

Darkzoul1234 has a MC moment and gets 2nd awakening

still gets killed because his keyboard and mouse died, then his computer dies

Dub came back online and was horrified to see his little brother playing on his account.

“sorry my sibling was online he didn’t do anything bad right?”

boss music starts playing as dub picks up an slipper

I eat the slipper.

Why am I an emo dude now :sob:

Yeah, I’ma change the title bc I myself wasn’t exactly following that.

Dub starts taking poison damage from the slipper

A beetle 3 meters away from Dubious’ feet runs the other way

Darkzoul1234’s mouse and keyboard come back online

“I hate this game”

dubioustyp0 is TP training his loomians (AO got boring)

Darkzoul1234 and dub decide to fight irl and decide to meet on the north pole

Darkzoul travels there with a plane and Dub with a rowboat

Dub’s rowboat got caught in a tornado and he died, idk if it was because he drowned or fall damag3

Darkzoul1234: “zzzzzzzzzzz”



In the deepest part of the darkest Depths, a rainbow somehow flies above the dark sky- a dreamlike figure descending from the light formation as if it were a solid object. Each footstep the figure takes, a thunderous crackle resounds about the void- even though there is no object for sound to resound off of. The light of the rainbow is lost to the depths.

“Two” deities sit in the middle of the void, with a table in between them. They seemed to have been playing a card game, with one obviously winning.

One speaks with hidden intentions, like a snake.
“So, you’ve returned, Zeus. Finally going to make a move? A deal?”

The other speaks full heartedly, like a commander. However, if one were to see this one’s face, they’d liken him to a badger challenging a lion.
“You aren’t welcome here if you aren’t here to play. I don’t have anything to say to a sore loser.”

“Sore loser? Let’s put aside the fact that you cheated, not once, but twice. Your punishment has only been lifted for a short while because of me. You are not a god.”, the one named Zeus says, scoffing. But he leaves a cautious tone under his breath. In this situation, he is a man with a gun in front of a trained martial arts champion.

“…But I digress. I’m not here to fight.”

The snakelike deity eagerly grins- his smile shining bright enough for it to be seen even in this endless void.
“A deal? You’d like to make a deal, right? Why else would you let this one roam free of his chains? Tell me your terms. What are your terms?”

The badgerlike “deity” shuffles the cards, and spreads them out between the three.

“To you, Hades, I promise you three wishes. I cannot grant wishes outside of my power. You are free to interpret that anyway you like. And to you, Sisyphus, I promise you freedom from your eternal punishment,” Zeus says with a pause, “…and a week in the land of the living to do as you please. This does not mean you will be accepted into Olympus or be made a half-deity. You will be placed in your own domain- a false paradise. A lesser punishment, in a way.”

The two think it over, but agree to accept their rewards of the deal.

“You wouldn’t provide such rewards for no reason. What do you want from us?”, Sisyphus says.

He remains silent, for a while, before deciding on the best way to bring this information to the two.
In a great thunderous voice- with each word ending with a crash sounding louder than any thunderbolt ever could, he says…
“Kill Poseidon.”


All over the world, category 7 hurricanes bloom like flowers in the spring.
Floods gush out of the ocean like blood. The rain and hail is relentless. As these events occur, Darkzoul1234 sleeps soundly throughout the thick of it, unknowing of the supernatural powers that will soon descend upon Earth.

A large piece of hail crashes against the left wing of the plain, sending it spiraling all over the sky, before eventually regaining balance.

“A bit of turbulence, folks. It may be too dangerous to continue flying at this point. We will be finding a place to land as soon as possible. If you haven’t already, please tighten your seatbelts, and remain calm.”

wake up :blush:

“The plane is falling? Doesn’t matter, fall damage doesn’t exist.”

10 seconds later… oof it does-500! 500! 500!
luckily he has a 2000 hp armor build and a regeneration amulet so he gets back to full health quickly

starts swimming out of the plane

“So, Vetex did add fall damage?”

He infact didnt as darkzoul1234 fell down to mother earth