Creating an Discord Bot for Arcane Odyssey

Since Arcane Odyssey released and is kinda dead right now, I have been developing a discord bot for ao specifically focused on connecting the player base as an side project.

The bot has several main features implemented to the current date:

Shop System:
Users can create custom shops and assign/remove items to specific categories. These shops can be seen across all servers. You can either view a specific shop or browse through all registered shops.

Clan System:
Clan owners can register their clans to advertise them. They can create custom clan embeds with various information about their clan. You can view a specific clan or browse through all clans using pagination. The order in which the clans are represented is randomized.

Item Values:
Since there are no official item values that the community can trust yet, we have partnered with The Galleon trading server. They will determine the value of an item based on community votes.

Wiki Browsing:
The bot also has a browse wiki command that retrieves information from the official Arcane Odyssey wiki based on the user’s search term.

Cross Server Requests:
The main server where the bot is implemented currently has demand channels for PvP, PvE, trading, and Q&A. Users will be able to make direct requests, and all requests will be sent to the specified channels with an thread created on the request for faster responses and to prevent chat clutter. These can be implemented to other servers in the future aswell.

The bot currently is almost finished with an total of 40 commands.
View the pictures below to see some of the main features.





sounds cool

Cooooooooooooooool. Unfortunately, I don’t have discord :cry:

What other commands are there?

The bot can now be invited to all ao servers.

Unverified servers will only have access to the shop commands, clan commands, and misc commands.

Join the testing server to test all the current commands, also note that the value list is unfinished and currently only has 31 items in total.


I’m currently overhauling all commands to make them more user-friendly by reducing them and and using modal text inputs instead.

In addition to this, I’m also working on adding more useful commands to the bot, such as a gear builder and a damage calculator.

Heres a preview of the revamped shop system which isnt added to the bot yet, I have removed all shop commands and added them to the “Manage Shop” command to make it easier to use and more flexible:

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