Crew skin concepts (Not sugestion dont kill me)

Crew skins

I have been thinking about this gamepass idea when i first saw it and its very cool so i wanted to share some concepts i have about it and feel free to do the same in this post.

  • Ghost crew (Like the ones in a ghost ship or sum thing like that)
  • Cursed army (Skeleton possessed like thing)
  • Any old pirate crews from AA like molten pirates or cursed beard ones also if there are gonna be any, any of the new crews
  • Corrupt Grand rand navy soliders
  • Modern army (Militars like)

For god sake no fucking cat maid or some shit like that please thank you :+1:
(Also again this is just concepts i am not asking to get added or suggesting only that i like this concepts and i want to see other ppl concepts)


A certain person would definitely like morden crew

I would say a guild crew would be nice for higher tier guilds, though.

Skeleton crew cuz ac4 reference :sunglasses:

based crew

they say things like “skill issue” and “touch grass” because yes

Dragon Crew

Giant dragons the size of your ship basically just shoved together on your tiny ship.

Elemental Humanoids

Elemental humanoids take one of six forms depending on players choice.

  • Wind
  • Fire
  • Water
  • Shadow
  • Earth
  • Light
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Alliance Crew:

Gives the appearances, animation packs, titles, and names of each of the files you possess but are not currently playing on to random crewmates in your crew. If you have more crewmates than other files, then the excess crewmates will default to their normal appearances. Out of these, the file with the most play time will always be the co-captain.


he said modern, not morden :neutral_face:

and that is why I said something about morden rather than not saying that at all
I did not misread what they said, I just added a couple more concepts

okie :expressionless:

This would be cool actually.

Yeah, canonically all of my files are on one team so I thought it would be nice if you could have your other files as your crew

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Business crew skin: all are dressed in black suits

I like the idea of elemental humanoids, but I think instead they should be random base elements

probably way too many conflicts with the lore, for all we know trigno might even make an appearance in the game and grand navy members might as well have their own crew by default, who knows
now arguably it doesnt need to make sense at all since you can have a crew of cats, but since the only point of this is references and these are… at least not impossible to actually be in the game for other npcs or even players, yeah…

oh also

dear god dont bring the edgy kids breakdancing to the URSS anthem while spamming communism
either that or members of roblox army groups, yes i know that its a stretch but i despise them

clown crew

Me omw to make maid crew




So your saying. If I make all of my files into cat maids. . .

I’ve said enough

Instant Death