Cringe poem but I like it :D

Yeah just putting a single poem here for the hell of it.

Trigger warning, by the way.

“I’m sorry.”

“I’m sorry.”

Manic words spill from my lips, theories about my mental health not being quite right or wrong

I’d done a single thing to cause partial stress
And my whole body wanted to pay for it

Expecting a hit, a yell, anything better than those soft words that leave those lips.

“It’s okay. You have nothing to apologize for.”

Please forgive me for I know I do! Crimes unforgivable!

Needs need tending, and my need to feel loved worst of all

Unable to stomach the feeling of disruption

Excuses unheard of, for I’m at fault for my own actions and shortcomings.

Relating to a character touched by trauma

I relish in relatability of feeling like the cause of death

Burdened by being the fault

Cursed to cause all the pain no one wishes to encounter

Born an innocent, forced to hurt.

And when someone forgives me, my soul rips apart

Because I can never forgive myself.

A criminal must be punished for life.

But even criminals deserves love

Criminals deserves life

Criminals deserve justice and freedom

They deserve to be happy and be able to live freely

But not this criminal.

And it all comes out in those two words on repeat.

“I’m sorry.”

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This hits hard. It’s a very nice poem.

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Thanks! It’s not much, far from my best work, but its short and doesn’t go that dark. Not too messed up that I’m concerned I’m being depressing! :sweat_smile:

i saw the “i’m sorry” and immediately thought of roland

I do not get this but I’m taking it as a compliment!

roland constipated